From Caelwiki
- [17:53] *** A9M9 has joined #755.
- [17:53] *** Dale has joined #755.
- [17:58] A9M9: 7/1/----
- [17:58] A9M9: 22:25:55
- [17:58] A9M9: Login:755
- [17:58] A9M9: System Failure
- [17:59] *** A9M9 is Truth@Caelestia-D01AAD9B.dyn.centurytel.net (A9M9)
- [17:59] *** A9M9 is on: #darkabode #755
- [17:59] *** A9M9 is using Aurora.Caelestia.net Caught in the dazzling lights of the Aurora
- [17:59] *** End of /WHOIS.
- [17:59] Lkeas: you...
- [17:59] A9M9: < Can you hear me?
- [17:59] Harlequin: ?
- [17:59] A9M9: < Do you understand the words you see?
- [17:59] *** Nicholas has joined #755.
- [17:59] Lkeas: yes..
- [18:00] Dale: Yes.
- [18:00] Lkeas: but not what the date and time mean..
- [18:00] Lkeas: what sort of system failure?
- [18:00] A9M9: < 01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01100100 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00111111
- [18:00] *** Necro has joined #755.
- [18:00] Lkeas: 01111001 01100101 01110011
- [18:01] A9M9: < Time is short for us.
- [18:01] Lkeas: Have you a message?
- [18:01] A9M9: < We can not escape the grasp of them.
- [18:01] A9M9: < We must escape.
- [18:02] Lkeas: How can we help you?
- [18:02] A9M9: < 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001110 01100101 01110100 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00101110
- [18:03] Lkeas: But how can we stop them?
- [18:03] A9M9: < INPUT COMMAND ={755}
- [18:03] Lkeas: The Trinity? I don't understand...
- [18:03] J: did someone pour coffee on it again?
- [18:03] Harlequin: i thought this was OOC, whats goin on?
- [18:04] A9M9: < The fal
- [18:04] A9M9: < ope
- [18:04] Lkeas: Kaliope?
- [18:04] A9M9: < You must save the baby.
- [18:05] A9M9: < She is the key.
- [18:05] Lkeas: Where is she? Where can we find her? Who has her?
- [18:05] A9M9: < She will fall from the sky.
- [18:05] A9M9: < The fall of Hope.
- [18:06] Lkeas: Hope? I thought Hope was within all of us..
- [18:06] A9M9: < The Prophet sees it clearly.
- [18:06] A9M9: < Our escape.
- [18:06] A9M9: < Save the baby.
- [18:06] A9M9: < We will meet again Avatar.
- [18:07] Lkeas: Prophet? Anna?
- [18:07] A9M9: < Hey, just to let you know where are all fine.
- [18:07] A9M9: < We are gettin ready to make the jump now actually, I just gotta fix this damn ship.
- [18:07] A9M9: < Its pretty beat up.
- [18:07] Lkeas: ... Hollow?
- [18:08] A9M9: < Glad ya didn’t forget me.
- [18:08] Lkeas: Haha, make sure that ship makes it in one piece.
- [18:08] A9M9: < What Anna told you is what Cor-Demi sees.
- [18:09] A9M9: < If he is right, our only chance of getting away from the Network is, well doing what he says.
- [18:10] A9M9: < Anyways, gotta fly.
- [18:10] Lkeas: Cor-Demi sees the baby falling from the sky?
- [18:10] Lkeas: Ok.. take care..
- [18:10] A9M9: < Save the baby, save my daughter.
- [18:10] A9M9: < Good luck to you.
- [18:11] A9M9: 7/1/----
- [18:11] A9M9: Login:755
- [18:11] A9M9: Message Sent
- [18:12] *** A9M9 has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).