
From Caelwiki

The proper title of this article is #DarkAbode. It is rendered as DarkAbode due to technical limitations.

The #DarkAbode is an irc channel that acts as a domain and dwelling place for the god Falerin.

The #DarkAbode also serves as the primary in character location of Truth_Seekers on Roleplay in the #DarkAbode is more freeform then that of the Epic but some considerations do apply.

  1. Do not God Mode - There exist very specific delineations of power with in the abode. The only God or God like characters that exist are under the control of or Artix Entertainment staff. As a general rule it may be assumed that those who have some sort of channel power also have a reflected increase in potential in character as well.
  2. Do not bunny the characters of others - Allow others to control their own actions you should not speak for them.
  3. Staff may bunny your characters or directly mimic you at anytime. - You allow upon joining the abode that Game Staff may directly control your character even against your will and in a manner you consider inconsistent.
  4. Consistency in character is important.
  5. Violence in the Abode may be met with swift reprisals.
  6. Do not disrupt the enjoyment of others.

As the Abode has grown so have the number of characters who wish to play in the abode. As personal storylines become entagled in the abode it can at times become difficult to follow what is going on and why. For this reason it is now neccesary to complete a character questionaire and gain approval for any character beyond your first in the Abode.

Existing characters are grandfathered and new players may insert one character without completing the process however we encourage ALL characters to go through the process.


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