Elmedor's Assignment

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Current revision as of 20:06, 21 August 2008

[00:05] * Elmedor appears back in the room reforming from the floor
[00:06] <Rimblade> "PETA?"
[00:06] <DrLouisZephyr> What exactly have you been telling these people
[00:06] <DrLouisZephyr> And more importantly.... why?
[00:06] * Damsel glances towards LordBarrius for a moment before turning back towards the events that are unfolding.
[00:06] * Zorro appears, looking bored.
[00:06] <Elmedor> An assignement
[00:06] <DrLouisZephyr> An assignment?
[00:06] <DrLouisZephyr> Indeed?
[00:06] <DrLouisZephyr> And from whom did that assignment originate?
[00:07] <Little_Brown_Box> Do we know too much? Do we have to annihilated? Can I have a chicken?
[00:07] <Elmedor> I was not given the specifics of the who it was...written order sir
[00:07] * LordBarrius leans his frame gently into Damsel, his own arm slowly wrapping around her waist. He simply remains silent in observation.
[00:07] <DrLouisZephyr> You follow random pecliar written instructions that arrive from unknown persons
[00:07] * Kazuma opens his portal and disappears. the portal soon closes after Kaz dissappears.
[00:07] <DrLouisZephyr> Apparently instructions which involve outrageous fabrication and storytelling
[00:08] <DrLouisZephyr> That is fascinating
[00:08] <DrLouisZephyr> Did you disclose that on your last personel intake review?
[00:08] <Elmedor> The information which was supposed to be leaked was also featured in that order
[00:08] <Elmedor> No I did not sir
[00:08] * Zorro snickers.
[00:08] <DrLouisZephyr> Have you informed the order of the pink hippo that you accept external orders?
[00:09] <DrLouisZephyr> Or do you answer to the Squadron of the Infinite Moose
[00:09] * Selarep chuckles a bit at this.
[00:09] * Rimblade represses an urge to bow.
[00:09] <DrLouisZephyr> I am trying to remember to which branch you were assigned
[00:09] <Elmedor> ....No I was not instructed to inform then on any of that sir
[00:09] * Kazuma reappears, Romulus in tow.
[00:09] * Zorro trots over to Sel, jumping next to him on the couch and lying down.
[00:09] <DrLouisZephyr> You work in the stardust and flapjacks division yes?
[00:10] * Joins: Romulus (romulus777@Caelestia-9D2BB48E.no.no.cox.net)
[00:10] * Abode sets mode: +v Romulus
[00:10] <DrLouisZephyr> Or was it flatulent monkey?
[00:10] * Selarep pets Zorro along the back.
[00:10] <Rimblade> "Wait... little box, is he saying that entire races are not condemned to death just because they're 'bad races'?"
[00:10] * Damsel suddenly appears unable to fully contain her amusement, though she doesn't wish to look away from Zephyr.
[00:10] <Elmedor> ...
[00:10] * LordBarrius raises his free hand to his mouth to contain his laughter.
[00:10] * DrLouisZephyr looks up suddenly and sobers
[00:11] <DrLouisZephyr> "I see..."
[00:11] * Zorro climbs onto Sel's lap, evidently enjoying being petted.
[00:11] <DrLouisZephyr> "Indeed?"
[00:11] <Little_Brown_Box> Uh-oh.
[00:11] <DrLouisZephyr> "I see..."
[00:11] <Little_Brown_Box> The voices are talking to him.
[00:11] * Selarep scratches Zorro behind the ears.
[00:11] <Little_Brown_Box> Expect immenint action of some kind.
[00:11] <Romulus> no, I'm clearly not speaking.
[00:11] <Little_Brown_Box> If we're lucky, they're telling him to make us all waffles.
[00:11] * Elmedor takes one half step back expecting something
[00:11] * Daniel looks between the two, displeased with the fact that he will not be learning anything of a new technology, but clearly interested in the conversation, slightly nervous at Dr. Zephyr's last responses, getting the feeling he is conversing with The`Galin himself, a tingle down his spine.
[00:11] <DrLouisZephyr> You have been reassigned....
[00:11] <Rimblade> "You fool! Those voices never talk to ambulatory people."
[00:12] <Elmedor> To?
[00:12] <Little_Brown_Box> If we're unlucky...Oh good. Just him then.
[00:12] * Zorro seems to enjoying his ears beign scratched as well.
[00:12] <Zorro> ( *being )
[00:12] * Damsel seems to sober herself, her own feeling mirroring unknowingly that of Daniel.
[00:12] <Selarep> Heh. It seems as if I attract the attention of animals almost as much as Lepres.
[00:13] <Zorro> "No, I just know you'll put up with me."
[00:13] <Elmedor> Sir, mind informing you then who gave me this assigement
[00:13] * Selarep gently rubs Zorro's chin with his index finger.
[00:13] <DrLouisZephyr> You shall serve under the Order of the Bombastic Disembling Prevaricators
[00:13] <Selarep> Heh.
[00:13] <Zorro> "Sinc you have to put up with Lyoko."
[00:13] <Selarep> Put up with?
[00:13] <DrLouisZephyr> You are to take no action untill you recieve further direction...
[00:13] <Elmedor> Yes sir
[00:14] <Little_Brown_Box> She sleeps!
[00:14] * Zorro chuckles.
[00:14] <DrLouisZephyr> but beware said action must occur during the full moon, in a blizard in mid summer
[00:14] <Elmedor> I understand
[00:14] <DrLouisZephyr> If these conditions are not precisely right you know that the person delivering the instructions
[00:14] <DrLouisZephyr> is a false servant
[00:14] <Elmedor> Who shall I answer to?
[00:14] <DrLouisZephyr> and is to not be trusted
[00:14] * Selarep can't help but to laugh at this.
[00:14] <Rimblade> "He's got to work on a holiday?"
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> Yours is the most dignified of tasks
[00:15] * Zorro chuckles again.
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> Only three persons may modify it and only then in the presence of all of these witnesses
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> a private modification shall not count
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> Myself
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> Omega
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> or The'Galin personally
[00:15] <DrLouisZephyr> Am I quite clear
[00:15] <Elmedor> I understand Sir
[00:16] <DrLouisZephyr> Good
[00:16] <Elmedor> Yes
[00:16] * DrLouisZephyr vanishes
[00:16] * Elmedor goes back to his seat and begins smoking rapidly
[00:16] <Rimblade> "I thought you said that The'Galin was planning on Uncreating Omega for being a bad, bad man, Elmedor?"
[00:16] <Kazuma> woah woah woah
[00:16] <Kazuma> Omega?
[00:16] <Elmedor> Shit...
[00:17] * Elmedor does not pay attention to anyone or anything
[00:17] <Rimblade> "Oh lord. He's become a one-track small public intrest group!"
[00:17] <Little_Brown_Box> So...
[00:18] <Little_Brown_Box> Did you just get promoted for being an outrageous liar?
[00:18] <Little_Brown_Box> DAMN I wish I had your job.
[00:18] <Elmedor> No..
[00:18] <Rimblade> "I got promoted once."
[00:18] <Elmedor> It seems I was fed a false assignment
[00:18] <Rimblade> "I had the same job description, and no pay raise..."
[00:19] * Elmedor continues to drift into deep contemplation
[00:19] * DrLouisZephyr appears in a flash
[00:19] * DrLouisZephyr looks about
[00:19] <DrLouisZephyr> Wait a moment
[00:19] * Elmedor stands up
[00:19] <DrLouisZephyr> What did he say about Omega?
[00:19] * Damsel smiles faintly. "Ah... I had wondered if you might return."
[00:20] * Elmedor staggers back slightly
[00:20] <Rimblade> "Oh, he said that Omega was a baaaaaad person, so The'Galin was going to, like, uncreate Omega and all his goons, and everyone would live in peace forever. I think."
[00:20] <DrLouisZephyr> He said that did he
[00:20] <Rimblade> "That's when he started talking about paradise, and I zoned out."
[00:21] <Elmedor> Sir, I would prefer to speak in private
[00:21] <DrLouisZephyr> Now this is strange....
[00:21] <Rimblade> "Whole Billy Joel song, and all..."
[00:21] <DrLouisZephyr> The former stuff I can accept was a strange assignment that he got from someone yanking his chain
[00:21] <Rimblade> "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, do do do, I don't know the rest of it..."
[00:21] <DrLouisZephyr> The network is known to prank junior members
[00:21] <DrLouisZephyr> But that statement cannot qualify as the same
[00:21] <DrLouisZephyr> No indeed
[00:21] <Elmedor> There was some things....there that I was instructed to lie about
[00:22] <DrLouisZephyr> To lie about?
[00:22] <Elmedor> Well...the divison in the Network
[00:22] <DrLouisZephyr> Please tell the assembled the truth about Omega then?
[00:22] <DrLouisZephyr> The full truth
[00:22] <DrLouisZephyr> That is a directive
[00:23] <Elmedor> ....The full truth about Omega
[00:23] <Elmedor> Even I dont know that sir
[00:23] <DrLouisZephyr> What exactly do you know thats secret about the network that the assembled does not already know?
[00:23] <DrLouisZephyr> Please be precise
[00:24] <Elmedor> Well if I said it wouldn't be a secret anymore
[00:24] <DrLouisZephyr> Thats fine
[00:24] <DrLouisZephyr> You are instructed to say it anyway
[00:24] <Elmedor> I am not sure what you want revealed and what not
[00:24] <DrLouisZephyr> Everything
[00:24] <Elmedor> As such I am unsure what to say
[00:24] <DrLouisZephyr> Full disclosure
[00:24] <DrLouisZephyr> Tell us all of the juicy bits
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> spare not one detail of your secret knoweledge
[00:25] <Elmedor> I rather not
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> You would rather not?
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> I did not request it
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> I demanded it
[00:25] <Elmedor> Besides I doubt there is any secret knowledge I may tell
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> What you rather....
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> ah...
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> No secret knowledge
[00:25] <Elmedor> As you said yourself a Junior Member
[00:25] <DrLouisZephyr> So in fact what you are saying is that you know precisely nothing more then anyone else in this room
[00:26] <DrLouisZephyr> I do think I know for what branch you were hired. You are clearly a court jester.
[00:26] * Rimblade steps backwards in shock! (Incidently tripping over the couch, landing on his back in a heap)
[00:26] <DrLouisZephyr> Hired to entertain
[00:26] * Elmedor looks down dejected
[00:27] <DrLouisZephyr> As to your lies about Omega
[00:27] <DrLouisZephyr> I do not believe I ever said they were lies.... or truth or anything else
[00:27] <DrLouisZephyr> There is within them perhaps a bit of both
[00:27] <Elmedor> I said what I was told to say
[00:28] <DrLouisZephyr> The manifestation will occur... it is already beyond stopping
[00:28] <DrLouisZephyr> Omega is neccesary for that to happen and so he will persist
[00:28] <DrLouisZephyr> But he is a bad boy
[00:28] <DrLouisZephyr> and we are aware of the fact
[00:28] * Elmedor does not open his mouth obviously disgraced enough for one day
[00:29] <Genoclysm> What type of being is Omega, anyways?
[00:29] <DrLouisZephyr> As for the Manifestation unless The'Galin succeeds in fully obliterating Lore
[00:29] <DrLouisZephyr> it will die horribly
[00:29] <Little_Brown_Box> Fun.
[00:29] <Rimblade> "Whoa! That sounds really familliar."
[00:29] * Damsel appears mildly surprised by this news.
[00:29] <Little_Brown_Box> And rather...what's the word?
[00:29] <DrLouisZephyr> What might that mean as far as who is chosen I wonder
[00:29] * DrLouisZephyr vanishes
[00:29] <Little_Brown_Box> Not quite macabre.
[00:29] <Rimblade> "'S all like, the Timekeeper Demons, and the big feild."
[00:29] <Romulus> well, our goal just made the 'really important' list.
[00:30] * Elmedor says in a low voice Then I have interpreted correctly certain things...
[00:30] <Little_Brown_Box> Ingreatful?
[00:30] * Elmedor melts into the floor rapidly
[00:30] <Genoclysm> It would mean he will avoid choosing anyone precious to him.
[00:30] <Rimblade> "And then, y'know, the StarSon kills the demons, and love feasts on Queteb. The end."
[00:31] <Rimblade> "On the upside, the world is saved."
[00:31] * LordBarrius sits back a bit (though he leaves his arm around Damsel) and ponders the news in silence.
[00:31] <Rimblade> "On the downside, well..."
[00:31] <Rimblade> "Everybody dies."
[00:32] <Selarep> Hmm...
[00:32] <Damsel> "Interesting..."
[00:33] * Elmedor reappears from the floor melting into his chair a thick white mask is on his face
[00:34] <Genoclysm> Hm... I'm now in a curious mood.
[00:35] * Genoclysm brings out the familiar green potion.
[00:35] <Genoclysm> I hope Arden won't mind...
[00:35] * Genoclysm heads outside.
[00:35] * Arden descends the stairs
[00:35] * Rimblade yawns, and preforms a cursory check under the couch.
[00:36] <Daniel> Greetings, Arden.
[00:36] * Selarep glances toward Arden. "Hello Arden. You're a bit late, although I'm sure you were aware of his presense.
[00:36] <Selarep> "
[00:36] * Elmedor turns to Arden the mask covering all but his eyes
[00:36] * Arden stands in the kitchen looking out onto the terrace at Genoclysm
[00:36] <Arden> What is he up to
[00:36] <Elmedor> Some green potion
[00:37] * Genoclysm pulls the stopper from the vial.
[00:37] <Arden> A green potion? Where did he acquire it
[00:37] <Selarep> I don't know...He's taken a potion outside...Sounds like he's experimenting with the grounds...
[00:37] <>Ambiance<> The smell of wheatgrass and herbs drifts into the abode from the Terrace
[00:37] <Kazuma> ohh...
[00:37] <Genoclysm> Hm... how much would be effective enough to determine the result without wasting some?
[00:38] <Kazuma> I'm hungry, suddenly
[00:38] <Little_Brown_Box> Really? I'm not.
[00:38] * Genoclysm stands pondering for a moment.
[00:38] <Rimblade> "He needs an Omniglass."
[00:39] <Little_Brown_Box> He needs Pepto.
[00:39] <Rimblade> "The secret weapon to repair engines?"
[00:39] * Abode sets mode: +v FrogPlushie
[00:40] <Little_Brown_Box> Shotgun surgery!
[00:40] * Genoclysm starts to tilt the vial, allowing a drop to fall and see if it has effect.
[00:41] <Rimblade> "That will destroy time and space, I wager."
[00:41] <FrogPlushie> "Ooh, is that like knife surgery?"
[00:41] <>Ambiance<> The drop touches the ground and has no discernable effect quickly mixing with soil and forming a spot of mud
[00:41] <Rimblade> "It ain't rocket surgery."
[00:41] * Azazel fades into the abode in his usual fashion, holding the silver locket around his neck. He hides it within the folds of his cloething and turns to the room.
[00:41] <Azazel> Hello, all.
[00:41] * Genoclysm then poors half of the potion onto the ground.
[00:41] <Rimblade> "Azrael!"
[00:42] <Azazel> I think you mean Azazel....right...
[00:44] <Rimblade> "Uh, yes, oh daemon-sultan."
[00:44] <Azazel> You are a very strange charecter.
[00:44] <Azazel> Im keeping my eye on you. Just one though.
[00:44] <Rimblade> "I'm dynamically constructed to avoid thought."
[00:44] <>Ambiance<> The only effect that this produces is a bigger spot of mud
[00:45] <Genoclysm> Hm...
[00:45] * Genoclysm looks at the contents.
[00:45] * Zorro pokes Selarep with his nose.
[00:45] <Rimblade> "Pfft. Doesn't Geno know that what he's got there is pure, undiluted Handwavium?"
[00:45] <Azazel> Any clue what he's doing then?
[00:45] * Azazel motions to Geno, outside.
[00:45] * Selarep looks down at Zorro. "Hmm?"
[00:45] <Little_Brown_Box> Meaning that he needs to say something.
[00:45] <Zorro> "Forgetting someone?"
[00:45] * Arden sniffs the air
[00:45] <Little_Brown_Box> Like, preferably gibberish.
[00:46] <Rimblade> "Right. I'll go."
[00:46] <Arden> Wheatgrass... spirulina
[00:46] <Genoclysm> What is this thing supposed to do?
[00:46] <Arden> Numerous green herbs
[00:46] <Little_Brown_Box> Guys, Arden's found something!
[00:46] <Little_Brown_Box> Is it a clue?
[00:46] <Selarep> Hmm...
[00:46] <Selarep> Ah. Yeah...Lyoko left.
[00:46] <Rimblade> " Fabulabrutorum, eth-Lyddya, tyrn, est FLORK! "
[00:46] <Arden> Algae
[00:46] <Little_Brown_Box> ...in retrospect, that was pretty stupid.
[00:47] <Little_Brown_Box> No, no, Rim.
[00:47] <Little_Brown_Box> He poured it, he has to say it.
[00:47] <Rimblade> "WHAT?"
[00:47] <Selarep> Hmm...I guess I'll go check on her.
[00:47] <Genoclysm> I was thinking the plant content was for growing purposes... so why...?
[00:47] <Zorro> "Complained she had a headache or something."
[00:47] <Zorro> "See ya."
[00:47] <Rimblade> "I want to see this book, 'The rules of Ultimate Realms-shaking Magic'"
[00:47] * Selarep waves to all present in the abode and vanishes.
[00:47] <Little_Brown_Box> I don't.
[00:47] <Little_Brown_Box> It's probably ugly.
[00:47] <Arden> Do most potions offer effect by pouring them onto the soil?
[00:48] * Genoclysm puts the stopper in and walks back to the Abode.
[00:48] <Rimblade> "Plant cures?"
[00:48] * Elmedor is still in his seat unmoving his eyes seem dejected and full of shame
[00:48] <Little_Brown_Box> Or so anticlimactically unimpressive, as part of some scheme to get a point across, it would shatter reality.
[00:48] <Rimblade> "Uhm, transmogrification can, usually with hilarious results?"
[00:48] * Arden looks at Genoclysm
[00:49] <Rimblade> "Maybe it was a SUMMONING potion."
[00:49] <Rimblade> "It could summon mud."
[00:49] <Arden> Soil is not living as such
[00:49] <Arden> I am not sure what you hoped that might accomplish
[00:49] <Genoclysm> Well, I was told it had plant content and was wondering if something would sprout.
[00:50] <Arden> Well it clearly does have plant content
[00:50] <Arden> I can smell it quite fervently
[00:50] <Arden> Sprouts may be among them
[00:50] <Rimblade> "The obvious answer would have been to select someone living from the abode- who we don't like- and make 'em drink it."
[00:50] <Arden> But potions as a rule work on living organisms
[00:50] <Arden> not inanimate matter
[00:50] <Genoclysm> Not grass either, huh?
[00:50] <Arden> I though maybe you were doing some kind of obscure test for toxic components
[00:51] * Zorro radiates dark energy for a moment and disappears.
[00:51] * Arden gestures at the vial and nothing happens
[00:51] <Little_Brown_Box> I'll drink it!
[00:51] <Arden> I detect no poisons
[00:51] * Genoclysm looks at the vial. "Um... well I didn't notice any grass die..."
[00:51] <Little_Brown_Box> Give it here!
[00:51] <Little_Brown_Box> Pick me!
[00:51] <Kazuma> splash it on Rom
[00:51] <Romulus> suure, why not...
[00:52] <Genoclysm> So... what, should I drink the thing?
[00:52] <Arden> Ash you are mechnaical I suspect it would be of little use
[00:52] <Arden> Most potions do in fact cause effect entirely via the systemic route
[00:52] <Rimblade> "Wait, box, let's test it scientifically."
[00:52] * Selarep reappears in his original spot.
[00:52] <Arden> Healing potions most assuredly need to be consumed
[00:52] <Arden> As do speed potions
[00:52] <Genoclysm> I've already wasted some...
[00:53] <FrogPlushie> "Yeah, they just sorta sit if you drop it."
[00:53] <Arden> Oil of ethereralness is an exception
[00:53] * Genoclysm shrugs and pulls the stopper out.
[00:53] * Rimblade unwraps a small but stocky glass rod, and watches as the red color fills the entire length!
[00:53] <Arden> it is poured on the body
[00:53] * Arden gestures and the potion vial fills again
[00:53] <Little_Brown_Box> ...
[00:53] * Arden shrugs
[00:53] <Little_Brown_Box> Wow.
[00:53] <Genoclysm> Wait, do you know what this does?
[00:53] <Arden> Matter replication is really simplistic magic
[00:53] <Little_Brown_Box> I think Arden just cheatcoded reality.
[00:53] <Little_Brown_Box> Again.
[00:53] <Genoclysm> Ah.
[00:53] <Rimblade> "I know!"
[00:53] <Arden> I have no idea what it is but filling the vial was not hard
[00:54] * Genoclysm brings up the vial and drinks half of it.
[00:54] <Arden> Spirulina and Wheat grass where did you get it anyway
[00:54] <Rimblade> "Whoosh! The scientific method at work people!"
[00:54] <Rimblade> "Form a hypothesis!"
[00:54] <Genoclysm> Fizzle, out of his hat.
[00:55] <Rimblade> "Now we begin the experiment."
[00:55] <Arden> What
[00:55] <Arden> Fredrick...
[00:55] <Rimblade> "Collect observations!"
[00:55] <Voice> Ch-ch-ch
[00:55] <Voice> Chia!
[00:55] <Selarep> ...
[00:55] * Little_Brown_Box laughs maniacally.
[00:55] <Rimblade> "Write that down!"
[00:55] * Genoclysm smacks his lips a little. "Odd, I've never tasted... green before."
[00:55] <Little_Brown_Box> Quick!
[00:55] <Little_Brown_Box> Someone!
[00:55] <Little_Brown_Box> WATER HIM!
[00:55] <FrogPlushie> "Mmm, tastes good."
[00:56] * Genoclysm sprouts numerous branches and leaves and is quickly covered with plant matter
[00:56] <Rimblade> "Now, we ned more observations to form a conclusion!"
[00:56] <Arden> Oh dear
[00:56] <Arden> I wish you had revealed that bit before consuming it
[00:56] <Rimblade> "Whoosh-ha! Now, how do our conclusions match our hypothesis(s)?"
[00:56] <Azazel> Well, thats what it does to HIM. What about someone else?
[00:56] <Arden> I could have predicted that result
[00:56] * FrogPlushie scrambles into the kitchen, slamming around throughout the covered before jetting back out with a bucket of water on its head towards Genoclysm, intent on watering the "plant".
[00:56] <Rimblade> "Then we have a THEORY!"
[00:57] <Genoclysm> This... is weird.
[00:57] <Kazuma> ooh, plant growth.
[00:57] * Damsel tilts her head to the side. "Oh my."
[00:57] <Genoclysm> Before testing it again, I think it should be refilled...
[00:57] <Genoclysm> And...
[00:57] <Rimblade> "We theorize that drinking this potion will make someone sprout plant bits after a mysterious voice sings a hauntingly familliar (but in no way copyright-infringing) snatch of music!"
[00:57] * Kazuma tugs on one of the branches
[00:57] <Genoclysm> Could someone do something about this? How do I get rid of this stuff?
[00:58] <Elmedor> Burn it..
[00:58] <Azazel> Ouch...
[00:58] <Rimblade> "I suggest taking a copy of our theory and becoming chronologically retroactive!"
[00:58] <Kazuma> can you feel it?
[00:58] <Genoclysm> I prefer to avoid that solution.
[00:58] <Arden> Certain spell craft will most assuredly defoliate you
[00:58] * Kazuma tugs a bit more
[00:59] <Little_Brown_Box> Geno, can't you just disperse?
[00:59] <Rimblade> "If we replace the bit of time/space where you turned into a tree with another bit where you did NOT...."
[00:59] <Kazuma> if you can't feal it, I can just rip it all off.
[00:59] <Genoclysm> Good point.
[01:00] <Arden> My recollection is that it was cured in the past via the spell Horrid Wilting
[01:00] * Genoclysm stoppers the vial and places it down on a nearby coffee table.
[01:00] <Durroth> Or we could just use him as topiary
[01:00] <Rimblade> "Why does that name call forth negative conotations?"
[01:00] <Rimblade> "Couldn't, for once, someone name the spell 'Delightful Defoliage'?"
[01:00] <Rimblade> "Perhaps, 'Wonderful Tree-Care'?"
[01:01] <Durroth> what about "Happy hedgeclipper"?
[01:01] <Little_Brown_Box> Glorious Gardener?
[01:01] <Genoclysm> Well... could you, so long as it doesn't harm?
[01:01] <Rimblade> "See? We should be the eldritch naming comitee."
[01:01] <Arden> Ur... Mordenkainen rather disliked the effect as I recall
[01:01] <Durroth> Smiling Shrubber?
[01:02] <Genoclysm> What would the effect be on me?
[01:02] <Rimblade> "Then there'd be fewer 'Hands of Death', and more 'Extremities of Effects which Might prove harmful to the target's continued existance"
[01:02] <Durroth> ... yes, I can see how one could not like the effects
[01:03] <Durroth> and there would be less fireballs and more "Spheres of warmth and happiness"
[01:03] <Rimblade> "Ah, well."
[01:03] <Romulus> um, no?
[01:03] <Little_Brown_Box> I prefer "Bundles of lifegiving heat in extreme amounts" myself.
[01:03] <Romulus> it's a ball of fire
[01:04] <Romulus> and it doesn't make people happy
[01:04] <Genoclysm> This is getting aggravating, could you just get these things off? * Geno flails his arms a little. *
[01:04] <Romulus> the box's idea is better
[01:04] <Kazuma> it's a moving tree, mommy!
[01:04] <Rimblade> "Have you ever been forever immolated by a bundle of lifegiving heat in extreme amounts?"
[01:04] <Kazuma> can I say hellp?
[01:04] <Kazuma> ((hello)
[01:04] <Rimblade> "How do you KNOW it won't make you happy?"
[01:05] <Genoclysm> I know that didn't make me happy, Rimblade.
[01:05] <Genoclysm> And neither has this...
[01:06] <Rimblade> "Well DUEH."
[01:06] <Kazuma> oops, it's talking. it must be an Ent
[01:06] <Romulus> that was one long set-up, Kaz
[01:06] <Kazuma> yeah, I know
[01:06] <Rimblade> "You just drank half of a potion of Somewhat Unfortunate Tree-Related Metamorphisis."
[01:07] * Arden gestures casting Horrid Wilting on Genoclysm
[01:07] <Selarep> Now you're a tree-man...
[01:08] <Azazel> Does that mean if he drank the whole thing he would be 100% tree?
[01:08] <Selarep> What's the Terran term? Hippy?
[01:08] <Rimblade> "If he were evil..."
[01:08] <Rimblade> "Would he be a TREE OF EVIL?"
[01:09] <Elmedor> Genoclysm is a hippy...?
[01:09] * Genoclysm collapses.
[01:09] <Genoclysm> Get... water...
[01:09] * Arden gestures at Genoclysm again
[01:10] <Romulus> oh my...
[01:10] * Genoclysm gets to his feet. "Ugh, you could have warned me, couldn't you?!"
[01:10] * Romulus dashes into the kitchen.
[01:10] <Arden> I believe I did
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