10 Windows

From Caelwiki

[14:34] *** Demu has joined #755.
[14:34] Fulcan: True, I am better looking than him.
[14:34] Lkeas: Demu, you're back, welcome
[14:35] Demu: hellos
[14:35] Maxx: Hello, Demu.
[14:35] Fulcan: Welcome upon your return, Demu.
[14:35] Fulcan: ((He a staff controlled?))
[14:35] Demu: return yup
[14:35] Lkeas: we have been working to uncover the true runes, Demu
[14:35] Demu: me know
[14:35] Demu: you do good
[14:36] Fulcan: You talk like an idiot.
[14:36] Demu: me think you missing some
[14:36] Lkeas: well, we only have 1-8 at the moment..
[14:36] Maxx: Fulcan, be nice.
[14:36] Demu: but you got Avatar ones
[14:36] Demu: me think you a dumb dumb
[14:36] Lkeas: ((it's the translator Fulcan))
[14:36] Lkeas: yes, we're trying to find out who the Avatar are.
[14:36] * Fulcan glares at Demu
[14:36] Fulcan: Heh.
[14:36] * Fulcan sighs, and chuckles
[14:37] Demu: purple pretty color
[14:37] *** Lex|Hard|Scripting is now known as Lex.
[14:37] Demu: Avatar are Avatar yes
[14:37] Demu: runes in temple are Avatar
[14:37] Demu: windows and fire
[14:37] Demu: and the king
[14:37] Demu: and the moglin
[14:37] Demu: all there
[14:37] PapaSmurff037: HA
[14:37] PapaSmurff037: it is a moglin
[14:37] Daniel: Twiggeh!
[14:37] Demu: moglin is there
[14:38] * Lkeas looks at papasmurf amusedly
[14:38] Demu: what you mean it is a moglin
[14:38] Fulcan: If it is twig... I'm going to die.
[14:38] Maxx: Is the moglin also an Avatar?
[14:38] Demu: nope
[14:38] Demu: he a keeper of books
[14:38] Fulcan: But wait... I can't die...
[14:38] PapaSmurff037: come on twig, COME ON TWIG!!!
[14:38] Fulcan: Damnit!
[14:38] PapaSmurff037: CRAP
[14:38] Demu: but painting of moglin in temple
[14:38] Demu: yup yup
[14:38] Demu: it pretty
[14:38] Lkeas: a painting? like a stained glass window?
[14:38] Fulcan: Hmmm...
[14:38] Demu: yup yup
[14:38] Fulcan: Temple?
[14:38] Demu: lots of pretty arts
[14:38] Fulcan: What temple?
[14:39] Demu: temple of Hope
[14:39] Lkeas: but that's not the same moglin as the one in the temple
[14:39] Daniel: What color is the Moglin?
[14:39] Demu: nope not same
[14:39] Demu: what Moglin?
[14:39] Lkeas: i bet the moglin in the temple is Nel
[14:39] Demu: yup!
[14:39] Demu: Nel
[14:39] Daniel: Painted moglin.
[14:39] * Lkeas grins
[14:39] Demu: he is yellow
[14:39] Lkeas: i can't wait to meet him!
[14:39] Demu: like a sunflower
[14:39] Demu: very pretty color
[14:39] * Daniel grins *
[14:39] Useless: Nice deduction, Archivist.
[14:39] Fulcan: Who's Nel
[14:39] Daniel: What other paintings are there?
[14:40] Demu: you like flowers on earth?
[14:40] Lkeas: flowers are nice, yeah.
[14:40] Demu: my planet has no flowers
[14:40] Daniel: I do.
[14:40] Useless: I like flowers, yes.
[14:40] Demu: it all dead
[14:40] Demu: me miss them
[14:40] Fulcan: So is mine.
[14:40] Useless: I like all manner of nature's abundance.
[14:40] Demu: me too
[14:40] Fulcan: But I've never seen flowers, anywho.
[14:40] *** Legault has joined #755.
[14:40] Demu: there pretty windows and paintings
[14:40] Fulcan: Welcome back, shadow assassin.
[14:41] Demu: and fire that glows colors
[14:41] Demu: and a drakel
[14:41] PapaSmurff037: a drakel?
[14:41] Demu: he prays
[14:41] Lkeas: who does he pray to?
[14:41] Useless: A drakel who prays...
[14:41] Demu: he pray to mother
[14:41] Legault: Hello.
[14:41] * Lkeas nods
[14:41] Demu: yup yup
[14:41] Lkeas: he would.
[14:41] Daniel: He is Tralin.
[14:41] Demu: pray is good
[14:41] * Fulcan chucks a needle at Legault
[14:41] PapaSmurff037: is the drakels name vince?
[14:41] Demu: but Hope good too
[14:41] Daniel: Is he the only Drakel painting?
[14:41] Lkeas: what of this fire? how many colors does it burn?
[14:42] Demu: it burn blue and yellow and red and green and other colors
[14:42] * Legault jumps over it. "Come now..."
[14:42] Demu: many colors
[14:42] Fulcan: Sharp as always, Legault
[14:42] Demu: rainbow fire
[14:42] PapaSmurff037: the colors of the elements
[14:42] Demu: me think you calls it that
[14:42] Lkeas: what is it for?
[14:42] Demu: it magic fire hanging from top of building
[14:43] Demu: and all over temple
[14:43] Demu: me dont know what it for
[14:43] Useless: Rainbow fire...displaying all colors and yet beholden to none alone....
[14:43] Lkeas: can you tell us of the other paintings in the Temple? is there a fire spirit in one of the windows?
[14:43] Demu: there a window of a ugly face
[14:43] Demu: and a window of a pretty woman
[14:43] Demu: a window of a family
[14:44] Demu: a window of a moglin
[14:44] Demu: a window of a drakel
[14:44] Demu: a window of two kids
[14:44] Demu: a window of two men
[14:44] Demu: a window of a girl burning like fire
[14:44] Lkeas: the ugly face... do you recognize it? is it the Watcher?
[14:44] Demu: a window of many things
[14:45] Useless: Many windows indeed in this temple...
[14:45] Demu: nope
[14:45] Demu: it ugly moon face
[14:45] Lkeas: oh...
[14:45] Fulcan: The girl burning like fire. Nifiara?
[14:45] Fulcan: The`Galin, Demu?
[14:45] Demu: ugly moon with man in front of it
[14:45] Lkeas: is that all the windows?
[14:45] Gilphon: is it ugly on outside or inside?
[14:45] Demu: and other window beside it
[14:45] Demu: of a sunrise and a pretty lady
[14:46] Demu: me thinks the mother but she look odd
[14:46] Demu: cause she not a Cor-Dem
[14:46] Demu: that silly huh
[14:46] Useless: Not too silly, Demu.
[14:46] Demu: mother a Cor-Dem in our story
[14:46] Fulcan: You're silly.
[14:46] Demu: me guess she not in Lore
[14:46] Demu: she human looky
[14:46] * Gilphon glares at Fulcan
[14:47] * Fulcan chuckles at Gilphon
[14:47] Demu: yup me seen the temple
[14:47] Demu: it pretty
[14:47] Fulcan: Where the temple be?
[14:47] Demu: island
[14:47] Useless: Demu, is the Temple built by the hands of Cor'Dem or by the hands of Man or Drakel?
[14:47] Fulcan: Name island?
[14:47] Gilphon: island in ocean?
[14:48] Demu: it not made by Cor-Dem
[14:48] Demu: but it have runes
[14:48] Demu: Drakel use same runes
[14:48] Demu: yup yup we share
[14:48] PapaSmurff037: oh really
[14:48] Demu: runes from old race
[14:48] Demu: they all dead now
[14:48] Lkeas: Alpha race?
[14:48] Demu: Alpha yup yup
[14:48] Useless: I think that would explain why the mother is depicted as "human looky"
[14:49] Lkeas: is that all the windows?
[14:49] Demu: me think so
[14:49] Fulcan: Me agrees.
[14:49] Demu: there pretty art all over in temple
[14:49] Lkeas: what is in the window of many things?
[14:49] Demu: not just windows
[14:49] Useless: If it were built by Cor'Dem, then the Mother would appear as a Cor'Dem, methinks. See, Demu? You are not silly at all.
[14:49] Fulcan: All over temple yup?
[14:49] Demu: you talk funny
[14:49] PapaSmurff037: what are some of the other art things in the temple?
[14:50] Fulcan: Yup yup you too.
[14:50] Gilphon: is there picture of blue girl in temple?
[14:50] Demu: book room
[14:50] Demu: have arts
[14:50] Demu: garden have statues
[14:50] * Useless twitters mirthfully. "I speak in many ways, Demu."
[14:50] Fulcan: Me thought every room have arts?
[14:50] Demu: great hall have big statue
[14:50] Lkeas: a statue of what?
[14:50] Demu: front of temple have big statue
[14:50] PapaSmurff037: what is the big statue of?
[14:50] Demu: lady in window
[14:51] Fulcan: I like this guy, he's annoying!
[14:51] Gilphon: pretty lady?
[14:51] PapaSmurff037: are they both of the lady in the window?
[14:51] Demu: you mean
[14:51] Demu: me no help anymore
[14:51] Demu: die dumb human me not care
[14:51] Lkeas: no no, demu, don't pay attention to fulcan
[14:51] Fulcan: Nope, I was kidding.
[14:51] Fulcan: I'm sorry.
[14:51] Useless: Fulcan!
[14:51] Demu: you not sorry
[14:51] Demu: me read mind dumb head
[14:51] Fulcan: I shouldn't have said that...
[14:51] *** Demu has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[14:51] * Lkeas curses
[14:52] * Fulcan scratches the back of his head
[14:52] Useless: Bide your tongue, your foolishness will not be brooked...
[14:52] * PapaSmurff037 kicks Fulcan in the balls
[14:52] * Gilphon glares at Fulcan
[14:52] Fulcan: Oh... man... I'm skrewed
[14:52] * Fulcan catches Papa's foot
[14:52] * Useless hisses at Fulcan, obviously seething with anger.
[14:52] Fulcan: No need for that.
[14:52] Lkeas: ok well... we got some information anyway...
[14:52] Fulcan: The funny thing is... if he could read minds...
[14:52] Lkeas: we know of 10 windows
[14:52] Fulcan: Than he should know I'm not human and I can't die.
[14:52] Useless: Yes, but alienated yet another potential ally.
[14:53] * Lkeas sighs
[14:53] Useless: Thanks, yet again, to Fulcan's foolishness.
[14:53] Lkeas: that cannot be helped at this point, unfortunately.
[14:53] * Fulcan chuckles
[14:53] Fulcan: My bad.
[14:53] Maxwell: I just have to say, you do more harm than good most of the time
[14:53] Gilphon: it seems the moon is Omega, then
[14:53] Maxwell: That was rather fun to watch
[14:53] Maxwell: I doubt he will be back again
[14:53] Fulcan: Who? Me? Naww...
[14:53] Useless: Maxwell, why is it that Demu put himself beyond my reach of communication so readily, rather than merely leave this haven?
[14:55] * maieo rolls her eyes and swings *
[14:55] Maxwell: Well the big question now is, what the heck is on the windows. Demu did not give much information.
[14:55] * Lkeas nods
[14:55] Fulcan: No thanks to me.
[14:55] PapaSmurff037: he gave us the big pictures but not details
[14:55] Gilphon: I would guess those are the avatars
[14:55] * Fulcan sits down
[14:55] Lkeas: one of the windows sounded like an image of Lorithia, but why would that be? i thought the windows were of Avatar
[14:56] Daniel: Well, we have a yellow moglin.
[14:56] Maxwell: I am sure he would have given more but does not trust you with information, and now I doubt he trusts you at all.
[14:56] * Lkeas frowns
[14:56] Legault: I take it Demu was a CorDemi, right?
[14:56] * Iggy stands up
[14:56] Lkeas: a Cor-Dem, yes.
[14:56] Iggy: ((i gotta say it))
[14:57] Legault: (I hope we can get a Cor-Dem as a pet. :P))
[14:57] Gilphon: ((...))
[14:57] Maxwell: ya know if Demu is still listening
[14:57] Maxwell: I would shut up
[14:57] Iggy: ((LOL there are two women dueling naked in front of Stormwind in WoW realm Sentinels))
[14:57] Fulcan: Why?
[14:57] RoninOfDreams: You never could learn to hold your tongue, could you, Fulcan?
[14:57] Maxx: ((That's just amazing.))
[14:57] Legault: ((...))
[14:57] * Fulcan winces at the sound of Ronin's voice.
[14:57] Iggy: ((iim not complaining :P))
[14:57] Fulcan: Brilliant...
[14:57] Maxwell: I doubt he wants to be a "pet" for any of you
[14:57] Maxx: ((That someone would think of that.))
[14:57] PapaSmurff037: who do u think the girl on fire was?
[14:58] Lkeas: Nifaria, i would assume.
[14:58] Fulcan: Ronin, actually, I need to speak with you in private.
[14:58] Gilphon: either Nifiria or Mercuira
[14:58] Useless: I would not demean Demu or any other of his kind in such a manner. One ought to treat friends much better than as "pets".
[14:58] Legault: ((Partner in crime then. XD))
[14:58] Legault: ((I mean good doings. ))
[14:59] * Lkeas nods in agreement with Useless
[14:59] Gilphon: ((I doubt that would go over better))
[14:59] Maxwell: You do know your actions will have impacts on the game correct? Humanities respect with the Cor-Dem race just went down a peg.
[14:59] Maxx: I should apologize as well for not silencing the offender when I had the chance.
[14:59] Fulcan: Ohhh...
[14:59] Fulcan: Now, I do feel bad.
[14:59] Lkeas: aw geez. are the actions of one seeker enough to ruin it for all the others?
[14:59] Useless: I would much rather be treated as more than a mere ferret as well, when you think about it.
[14:59] Maxwell: Yes...
[14:59] Maxwell: they are
[14:59] Fulcan: Ronin, are you still listening?
[14:59] Lkeas: we've been trying to get Fulcan to behave ever since he came in here...
[15:00] Maxwell: If you an not act as a team and respect your allies, they will not respect any of you.
[15:00] Maxwell: can*
[15:00] Iggy: "more new voices?"
[15:00] Gilphon: I hpeo you've learned you're lesson, Fulcan
[15:01] Maxwell: I doubt he has
[15:01] Maxwell: He does not seem to care he did so much damage after all.
[15:01] Useless: Maxwell, there are those among us who fail to learn lessons. Fulcan was rejected even by The`Galin.
[15:01] Daniel: Yellow Moglins: Buzkyl, Twig, Clody, Curly, Kysapoo
[15:01] Lkeas: good work, Daniel
[15:01] Useless: We have tried to bring him to silence, but to no avail.
[15:01] Gilphon: whta about Nel?
[15:01] Lkeas: Nel is red.
[15:01] Gilphon: ok then
[15:01] Lkeas: he's Twilly's cousin
[15:02] * Fulcan lies on the couch and falls asleep
[15:02] Daniel: Buzkyl is the moglin from the hybee quest.
[15:02] * Iggy sits back down
[15:02] Useless: Tell Demu, if you would, that I for one apologize, on behalf of all of us.
[15:02] Lkeas: and i as well.
[15:02] Maxwell: Why you?
[15:02] Maxwell: You know who would have to say sorry.
[15:02] Maxwell: And mean it.
[15:02] Maxwell: And that will not happen.
[15:02] * Lkeas goes over to Fulcan and shakes him roughly
[15:02] Iggy: "i have been asleep so i dont know what your all talking about."
[15:02] PapaSmurff037: well Fulcan i dont think has the capacity to feel
[15:02] Useless: I also know that he would never mean it, for he is that manner of fallen one.
[15:02] Gilphon: oh great, Twigs the only yellow Moglin we know well
[15:02] Daniel: Clody heals you while you find Dragonbane.
[15:03] Lkeas: what are we to do with him?
[15:03] * Fulcan wakes up, snatching a knife and holding to Lkeas, reflexivley
[15:03] * Fulcan notices the lack of threat, and relaxes
[15:03] Lkeas: oh, good going, Fulcan. gonna stab the Prophet now, are you?
[15:03] Daniel: Curly was the saved moglin from the vampire and werewolf stuff.
[15:03] * Useless jerks the knife out of Fulcan's hand telekinetically.
[15:03] Fulcan: It's a reflex.
[15:03] * Fulcan replaces his knife
[15:03] Fulcan: I wouldn't want to stab you.
[15:04] Daniel: Kysapoo was a waterlight moglin, but didn't heal you at all.
[15:04] Lkeas: you wouldn't want to apologize to Demu, now would you?
[15:04] * Lkeas frowns
[15:04] Fulcan: Well, yeah, I would...
[15:04] Fulcan: But he said I didn't mean it.
[15:04] Fulcan: And I don't think he wants to hear me now.
[15:04] PapaSmurff037: well do u actually mean it?
[15:04] Daniel: Kysapoo is currently in Pae.
[15:04] Lkeas: well, considering your reputation it's no wonder your sincerity is called into question.
[15:04] Fulcan: Well, yeah.
[15:04] Fulcan: I can never do anything for good.
[15:05] Maxwell: Then why do you come here?
[15:05] Fulcan: Because this is the only place I like being.
[15:05] Maxwell: you do know a Cor-Dem can see past lies right?
[15:05] Maxwell: They are a very unique race
[15:05] Fulcan: Do you know I'm being monitored endlessly and will be exposed if I lie?
[15:06] Maxwell: By who?
[15:06] Gilphon: I assume you don't mean the faceless Lies
[15:06] Maxwell: N.O.V.A?
[15:06] Fulcan: The`Galin.
[15:06] Lkeas: heh.
[15:06] * Iggy moves his head around listening "prophet Fulcan moglins Pae? Cor-Dem Demu??what?"
[15:06] Lkeas: i doubt The'Galin has the time or inclination to babysit you incessantly
[15:06] Maxwell: Well, if Demu was listening.
[15:06] Fulcan: Then one of his servants.
[15:06] Maxwell: I doubt he is now.
[15:06] * Lkeas sighs
[15:07] Lkeas: so about the windows...
[15:07] Fulcan: Just, stop about me, get back to work.
[15:07] * Fulcan falls asleep again.
[15:07] *** RoninOfDreams has joined #755.
[15:07] *** Mode change "+ao RoninOfDreams RoninOfDreams" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[15:07] * Iggy walks around bumping into walls alot.
[15:07] * maieo goes and sits on the other side of the couch *
[15:07] *** Demu has joined #755.
[15:07] * Lkeas nods to Ronin and Demu in greeting
[15:07] Daniel: Greetings Demu.
[15:07] Gilphon: welcoe mback Demu
[15:07] Useless: Welcome returns, Demu!
[15:08] * RoninOfDreams nods to Lkeas, but stays silent given Demu's presence.
[15:08] Daniel: I hope that you do not truly wish we die.
[15:08] RoninOfDreams: "Forgive the intrusion, I shall wait until a better time appears."
[15:08] PapaSmurff037: and that you can see past Fulcans actions and still help the rest of us
[15:09] *** ZL0K has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[15:09] Legault: Hello, Demu.
[15:09] * Lkeas frowns and looks at Fulcan's sleeping form.
[15:09] *** Demo has joined #755.
[15:09] Gilphon: Demu, is there picture of blue girl in temple?
[15:10] Lkeas: are you waiting for an apology from him, Demu?
[15:10] PapaSmurff037: Demo?
[15:10] * Iggy continues bumping into walls
[15:10] Daniel: Hello Demo. Pleasure to meet you!
[15:10] Demo: hello
[15:10] Daniel: How are you doing?
[15:10] PapaSmurff037: are you a friend of Demu's?
[15:10] Legault: Two Cor-Dem?
[15:10] Lkeas: hi Demo
[15:10] Demo: fine i am
[15:10] Maxx: Greetings, Demu and Demo.
[15:10] Useless: Greetings to thee as well, Demo.
[15:11] Daniel: We can wake Fulcan if you'd like Demu.
[15:11] Demo: feel sad for humans
[15:11] * Gilphon looks at Demo "I don't think we've met"
[15:11] Lkeas: why is that?
[15:11] Demo: I met you once before
[15:11] Demo: I was watching you in the hatch
[15:11] Daniel: I am sad as well, for we angered Demu with an offhand remark.
[15:12] Demo: I am sure you did not notice me of course
[15:12] * Legault grins. "Well we are pathetic compared to many others races, aren't we Lkeas?"
[15:12] Lkeas: were you on the ship that crashed into Paxia along with Demi?
[15:12] Useless: Ah, so a watcher you are then?
[15:12] * maieo sits and watches Fulcan just in case he decides to do something stupid and she was the closest to stop him *
[15:12] Useless: An observer, if you prefer a different term.
[15:12] Demo: No I was not on the ship
[15:13] Demo: we watched over the Avatar
[15:13] * Fulcan buries his face in a pillow
[15:13] Demo: we still try
[15:13] PapaSmurff037: over Anna?
[15:13] Lkeas: i see.
[15:13] Gilphon: which avatar?
[15:13] Demo: but The Network keeps us as slaves
[15:13] Demo: our only freedom is here
[15:13] Daniel: What other Avatar do you know are being watched over?
[15:13] Lkeas: we would wish you to be free all places.
[15:14] Demo: only one by the Cor-Dem
[15:14] Useless: Indeed, we would hope that we can see to it that you could be freed to more domains than just this haven.
[15:14] Fulcan: I was a slave once... I broke free...
[15:14] Demo: she is our communicant
[15:14] Demo: she speaks with us all
[15:14] Fulcan: Demu, I apologize for my words, I didn't intend to disrespect you.
[15:15] Gilphon: The avatar of Lies?
[15:15] Lkeas: indeed, Anna does have the capability to converse telepathically
[15:15] Demo: Demu does not wish to speak
[15:15] Fulcan: Then he can listen.
[15:15] Demo: You can hold your tongue worm
[15:15] * maieo glares at Fulcan. "You were a slave because you were stupid. Now, if he doesn't want to speak, leave him alone." *
[15:15] Demo: I am no Cor-Dem
[15:15] * Fulcan winces, and closes his eyes
[15:15] Demo: And I am not afraid of you like Demu is
[15:15] Gilphon: what are you, then?
[15:16] RoninOfDreams: "Do not repeat your follies, Fulcan."
[15:16] Daniel: Are you an Eban, Demo?
[15:16] Fulcan: I do not plan on it, Ronin...
[15:16] Fulcan: I'm not speaking now.
[15:16] Demo: a warrior yes
[15:16] Legault: What speices are you?
[15:16] * Lkeas scratches her head
[15:17] Lkeas: i thought the Bellatrax were the warriors, or guards
[15:17] * maieo toys with the idea of sending Fulcan into a deep sleep with horrible dreams, but decides its too good for him *
[15:17] Demo: a warrior?
[15:17] Demo: you make jokes yes?
[15:17] Demo: they are small
[15:17] Lkeas: that is true..
[15:17] Demo: they are weak
[15:17] Lkeas: but vicious, no?
[15:17] Demo: well yes
[15:18] Demo: they can be violent
[15:18] RoninOfDreams: "Sizes and appearances may well prove decieving."
[15:18] * Fulcan stands up and leaves
[15:18] Daniel: They are usually guards as well if I remember correctly.
[15:18] * Nicholas shakes his head in confusion.
[15:19] * maieo takes his spot on the couch and wraps her blanket around her *
[15:19] Gilphon: maybe just as an alarm system
[15:19] *** Fulcan is now known as Ester.
[15:19] Demo: the fodder has the uses
[15:19] Demo: but they are nothing more
[15:19] Lkeas: ah, i see.
[15:19] * Ester walks in, and takes a seat, quietly
[15:20] Legault: Hmm?
[15:20] Demo: Yes, all Cor-Dem are named after the first rune.
[15:20] RoninOfDreams: "Hmph...fodder. Ah, well, who am I to judge?"
[15:20] Demo: We are named after the second rune.
[15:20] Demo: And the grunts are named after the third rune.
[15:20] Demo: Our birth name is one of the many other runes.
[15:21] * Iggy gives up on trying to find a kitchen
[15:21] Demo: So you see, calling us a Cor-Demi is wrong.
[15:21] Demo: and calling me a Cor-Dem is wrong.
[15:21] Useless: Then pray correct us is all you need to do, and we shall do our best not to make the same mistake twice, Demo.
[15:21] Demu: yup yup
[15:21] Demu: wrong
[15:21] Daniel: How about calling you Reticulan?
[15:22] Daniel: *Reticulian
[15:22] Demo: If you do that I will have to kill you.
[15:22] *** Lady_Valedia has joined #755.
[15:22] Daniel: I will remember not to do that then.
[15:22] *** Mobuis|AFK has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[15:22] Gilphon: so you're talking now, Demu?
[15:22] Demo: Disrespect to my family and my brothers is disrespect to me human.
[15:22] * Ester nods to Valedia, "And who are you?"
[15:22] Useless: Daniel, I think it best to ask and be told the answer, rather than assume one.
[15:23] * Iggy sits down on the floor listening
[15:23] Lady_Valedia: (( My character is passed out Ester ))
[15:23] maieo: ((nice try fulcan))
[15:23] Gilphon: ((still?))
[15:23] Lady_Valedia: (( Indeed ))
[15:24] Gilphon: ((wow it's been like thre days))
[15:24] *** PapaSmurff037 has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[15:24] Useless: Please, Demo, we mean no disrespect. Instruct us then, so that we might avoid such unintentionally.
[15:24] Lady_Valedia: (( Two actually, but it's not like any of the characters noticed anyways. XD ))
[15:24] Demu: Vor-Dem name is all about honor
[15:24] Ester: ((Ignore that then.))
[15:24] Demu: they dont like being called something they not
[15:24] Demu: they kill you if you do
[15:25] Demu: squish like bug
[15:25] Lkeas: understood.
[15:25] * Iggy takes off his windbreaker and lets his wings unfold.
[15:25] Ester: ((And by the way, Ester still doesn't know that Valedia's human yet.))
[15:25] Gilphon: well, at least we know that now
[15:25] * Lady_Valedia remains passed out upon the couch she was placed upon two nights ago. Still no movement except for the very slow and steady breathing.
[15:25] Useless: Ah, I am similar, in a respect. I dislike being called by my true name except by those I have given such an allowance to.
[15:25] Lady_Valedia: (( Well then she's a stranger to him for now. ))
[15:25] Demu: Kor-Dem have no names
[15:26] Lkeas: because they hold no place of honor?
[15:26] Demu: yup
[15:26] Demu: they slaves for long time
[15:26] Iggy: ((iggy is even stranger in the meaning strange and in the other meaning))
[15:26] * Ester checks his pocket watch, and strolls out
[15:26] *** Ester is now known as Fulcan.
[15:26] * Gilphon glaces at Iggy "I see I'm not the only one wih random extra limbs"
[15:26] Demu: they evil and attack us many many year ago
[15:26] Demu: they still look down at by warriors and leaders
[15:26] * maieo pulls the blanket over her head and curls up deeper into the couch *
[15:26] Demu: they not trusted
[15:27] Lkeas: how do we call the runes? do their names include "Dem?" Or are they just named Cor, Vor, Kor?
[15:27] RoninOfDreams: "Trust, such a hard thing to gain."
[15:27] * Iggy turns his head torward Gliphon. "and you are?"
[15:27] * Fulcan walks in carrying a large bottle of sake and remains silent, only to notice his favourite couch being occupied
[15:27] Demu: Dem is our star name
[15:27] Demu: we name birth name family name star name
[15:27] * Fulcan walks over to Barrius' corner and sits down quietly
[15:27] * Gilphon looks at Iggy "I'm Gilphon"
[15:28] Demu: Kor-Dem no family or birth name they have no honor
[15:28] Lkeas: ah.
[15:28] Iggy: "im iggy nice to meet you."
[15:28] Demu: they no honor
[15:28] Demu: so they no name
[15:28] Lady_Valedia: (( I think Val is going to be passed out for a very long time. :P The fact no one even blinks an eye about a practically dead person on the couch is amusing. ))
[15:29] Fulcan: ((No, wake her up soon.))
[15:29] Gilphon: ((we have more important things atm))
[15:29] Maxx: So, for example, Demu, your full name would be "Demu Cor Dem"?
[15:29] Demu: me think if human want to know more about us you need to talk to Anna
[15:29] Iggy: "how do you speak to them then?i mean if they have no name. do you just call them it or them?"
[15:29] Demu: she know a lot
[15:29] Maxx: Or, am I misunderstanding?
[15:29] Demu: we speak to them in head
[15:29] Demu: we not use talky talk like you
[15:29] Useless: It is hard, at times, to make sense of a new culture so readily. I apologize, Demu, for needing time to understand it all.
[15:29] Lady_Valedia: (( Gee, thanks, Gilphon. XD Glad to know I'm so appreciated in here. ))
[15:30] maieo: ((Depends on which couch it is, Val. XD))
[15:30] Iggy: "telepathy? i now a little girl who can do that."
[15:30] Demu: we use talky talk here with letters
[15:30] Demu: it easy
[15:30] Useless: Demu, may I try something?
[15:30] Demu: but we not talk
[15:30] KingK: ah i understand you use telekinetic powers.
[15:30] Demu: we not talk in much time
[15:30] *** dalefanwill has joined #755.
[15:30] *** Mode change "+v dalefanwill" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[15:30] Fulcan: ((I like your char, Val. She's very... foxy... Mwhahahah!))
[15:30] maieo: ((/me rolls eyes at lame emo pun))
[15:30] Lady_Valedia: (( Not anymore. :P ))
[15:30] Legault: ((XD))
[15:30] Useless: Do you mean Telepathy, rather than Telekinesis, KingK?
[15:30] Fulcan: ((Oh man, terrible pun.))
[15:31] KingK: its fast when your speaking with your mind?
[15:31] KingK: yes your right
[15:31] * KingK chuckles
[15:31] KingK: i tend to forget these terms.
[15:31] Fulcan: ((Plus, red heads=thumbs up.))
[15:31] Useless: Odd, since you are always in the presence of a being that utilizes both regularly, KingK.
[15:31] Iggy: "do you speak to the vor and cor the same way"
[15:32] * Fulcan takes a swill of sake
[15:32] KingK: ((wait a minute i think i was right telekinetic i believe can mean both.))
[15:32] Demu: we speak same yup
[15:32] maieo: ((google it))
[15:32] Demu: Anna speak like us too
[15:32] Demu: and another boy
[15:32] KingK: danail?
[15:32] Demu: who speak with us
[15:32] Demu: but scared to
[15:32] Iggy: ((telekinetic is moving object with your mind telepathy is speaking or hearing to or other minds))
[15:32] Useless: ((No, Telekinesis means manipulating objects with one's mind.))
[15:33] Daniel: Demu, what is the room with the moglin painting like?
[15:33] KingK: ((ah my mistake))
[15:33] Lkeas: the Temple, you mean, Daniel?
[15:33] Demu: it a hall
[15:33] Demu: with glowing fire
[15:33] KingK: glowing fire?
[15:33] KingK: how so?
[15:33] Demu: two painting
[15:33] Iggy: "glowing fire?"
[15:33] Demu: in hall
[15:33] KingK: ah
[15:33] Demu: for each room
[15:33] Lkeas: do you know whether the 10 windows represent the 10 Avatar we are searching for?
[15:34] dalefanwill: Hah, I'm gone for almost a day, and I receive no greeting? Bwahaha.
[15:34] Gilphon: well, most fire does glow
[15:34] * maieo peeks at Fulcan through a hole in her blanket and giggles at his attempt to get hammered because he's so emo *
[15:34] Lkeas: the pretty lady who seems like the mother, is she an Avatar? or is she Lorithia?
[15:34] Demu: there 10 window paintings
[15:34] Iggy: "can you be more specific? im trying to see it."
[15:34] Demu: pretty lady is with army of glowy mens
[15:34] Demu: if that help
[15:34] * Fulcan looks from maieo to Valedia, then takes another drink
[15:34] Lkeas: ((anybody who missed Demu's original conversation can read it when i get the log up))
[15:34] KingK: ((may i ask what this hall is exactly that were discussing?))
[15:34] Iggy: "glowy mens?"
[15:34] Fulcan: ((Maieo I hate you.))
[15:35] Demu: they glowy
[15:35] KingK: brilhado?
[15:35] Lkeas: do they have wings?
[15:35] Demu: like sunshine
[15:35] Demu: nope
[15:35] Demu: they just glowy
[15:35] KingK: im not sure if they glow i only presume by the fact of being angelic
[15:35] Iggy: "hmmm."
[15:35] Lkeas: hmm. so she leads the glowy men?
[15:35] maieo: ((love you back Captain Emo! ;) ))
[15:35] Useless: Dale, your choice is already known. I, for one, do not prefer the presence of one willingly given to The`Galin's service. Fulcan, after all, proved how troublesome that can be.
[15:35] Demo: Demu
[15:35] Iggy: "I have wings am i an angel?"
[15:35] KingK: light?......
[15:35] Demo: time to go
[15:35] Demo: break orbit
[15:35] Daniel: Farewell!
[15:35] Demu: yup yup
[15:35] Lkeas: thank you for your time, Demo, Demu
[15:35] Demu: bye byes
[15:35] Useless: If you must leave, then fare thee both well, Demu and Demo.
[15:36] KingK: tata
[15:36] Useless: We appreciate the visit.
[15:36] Gilphon: wings do not make you divine, Iggy
[15:36] Maxx: Thank you both.
[15:36] Nicholas: Farewell.
[15:36] Iggy: "work on your speaking Demu!"
[15:36] Daniel: May we meet in peaceful terms once more.
[15:36] Demo: 10 seconds and we warp
[15:36] * Legault grins. "Bye byes!"
[15:36] Demo: good bye
[15:36] KingK: safe journey you two
[15:36] Legault: Safe trip.
[15:36] Demu: weeeeee full speed
[15:36] *** Demu has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[15:36] *** Demo has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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