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AJ Rodz is an american actor/backyard wrestler who began started backyard wrestling in the summer of 2002,with a trampoline fed named BWE(backyard wrestling entertainment) he along with john,brandon barr,noah barr,and little brandon were the main roster,each wrestler had adapted the style's of their favorite wrestler aj had choosen scotty 2 hotty,he often wrestled noah barr and the 2 fought over the hardcore championship on several ocaison's,in 2003 aj rodz won the bwe. championship when he defeated brandon barr he lost it a month later to little brandon,in a triple threat involving noah barr.

 aj stayed with BWE. until 2006,and then started a short lived fed name KAW (kickass wrestling) which ran from 2006-2007 winning the kaw championship at its last show,aj rodz tried top revive kaw a couple of times but never got it off the ground and in 2006 he began filming really random videos of his freinds that began retard films which took over as his main focus,rodz would release sucessful video's like The Zombie No More Series,Mikes dream,Zuchinni No More,Lifes and times of charles mccharles charles,and more recently Mail Order Freind,aj rodz returned to backyard wrestling officialy in june 2009 when he came to DWA(Daven Port Wrestling Association) and did a 4 hour show wrestling under aj rodz,and his masked charactor poopzak,rodz lost every match except 1,in which him and drew barton (now called the drew crew) got a victory over Scylla(Chris Kash,Jman,& Ryan Burge) in a 2 on 3 handicap match,after the match Barton would pick up rodz (like a groom carry's a bride into the threshold) and delivered a leg drop from the elevated position.Rodz has stated that he plans to go to more supershows,and return to dwa in the summer,with a little more training 

Moves as AJ Rodz-


.Nasty Hot (Inovated Boston Crab,With A Knee to The Back of The Opponent) .I.D.K W.I.D (Gut-Wrench Powerbomb,Normaly Used on Smaller Opponents)

Signature Moves:

.Double Stomp With Theatrics .German Suplex .Fisherman Suplex .Code Breaker .Back Cracker .Back Breaker .Full Nelson Facebuster .Full Nelson .Running Knee Strike .Various Chops and Punches Whilst Wearing A Black Cast On His Right Hand

Moves As Poopzak-


.Kiss of Death(Headbutt with theatrics) .Sex Talk(Overdrive,Ussually Ineffect and often only gets a one count)

Signatures Moves:

.Slaps .Gaydirt(Jumping STO) .Boston Crab .Gut Buster .Top Rope Elbow Drop .Hugs Opponents In The Middle Of Matches

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