From Breanet
Benmacha is a militarily highly decorated member of the [New Pacific Order], with a long list of military achievements. He joined the NPO on January 4th, 2007, the very first day of his nations existence. Benmacha had joined the red team, simply because it was his favourite colour and chose the NPO because it seemed the strongest alliance about. He was immediately attacked by a rogue, but protected by his new alliance.
Benmacha began his career as an official after being volunteered as IBC (now GOD) diplomat and became squad leader of Wolverine squad on the 25th of February. Later benmacha formed another squad; called EoS and was selected as squad leader on the 21st of August. FatherBill, a battalion LT at the time, made benmacha one of his NCOs on September 8th, he was then transferred over to Donut THX 1138 when Fatherbill resigned. Benmacha was one of those cruelly triple-quadded in the opening salvo of the VietFAN war on September 15th.
Benmacha was made Diplomatic Consul of the then-Blue/Orange Sphere on the 27th, because as Hawk 11 was promoted to Speaker and the existing consul (MariMassa) was moved up, replacing her. He was promoted to LT of a higher battalion when JasminesJewels was promoted to General on October 24th, and was promoted again to diplomat to the White/Multicolored Sphere on November 6th.
Benmacha restarted his nation on November 22nd because he was finally fed up with his poor resources (Sugar and Wine). His new resources are Coal and Gems, and he restarted again on the 27th of November.