Ned Canning
From Brass Goggles
Ned Canning, Captain of HMAS Steel Breeze
Ned Canning was born and raised on the streets of Vancouver. He became an influencial and well known figure around the city, although young and not with exceeding fortune. Ned always had a love of airships. After an incident with the testings of the airship Steel Breeze, Ned ended up as Captain, sponsered by Samuel Cox. After many adventures, he has become one of, if not the most, famed Captain to privateer in the name of the Queen in the Pacific Northwest. He has bested pirates all over the Pacific and has built a special animosity with the Russian military in their east, having stymied many of their projects in the name of the British Empire.
Captain Canning is slim and handsome, with wavy red hair. He dresses casually, for a Captain, and seems constantly relaxed and laidback. This attitude belies a natural energy and intellect. His distinguishing features are his constant smoking of foul herbs and the katana he wears naked at his side.