HB To Jane Young, Aug 4, 1937

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Hess's Mill
August 4, 1937

Dear Jane,

Don't faint, I'm writing you a letter. It is ten-thirty P.M. and I am in the office of the mill. I have been working overtime again and am getting thirty cents an hour for writing this letter.

The late hours and much working are "getting me down." Your letter certainly hit the spot. I got it and the card when I went home for supper this evening.

If Hershey's birthday has passed, I must have missed it. Of course, I am home only to sleep and to eat a little.

Yesterday Harold borrowed my car to go to the Sunday School picnic. Harry, Daddy, and I did not go. I had to make my own supper and cut my finger while opening a baked bean can.

Tonight Harry and Ethel went to Mt. Gretna again. Mother and Reba & Jack went also. I guess they are having a fine time at the C.E. social. Harold has my car again. He is getting watermelons.

Newt stopped in here on Monday afternoon to tell me that he is going on a vacation this week. "Vanny" Pickell is taking his mother and a couple of brothers to Ohio, Ill., and I don't know where all. He and Karl and I had planned to come up there (Pinebrook) on Sunday after Sunday School. This spoils the plans.

I am trying to get in touch with Karl to see if he will go anyway. Maybe he will be here tonight yet. I tried to phone him but he is not home.

I have few visitors here now. Morris & Mrs. Schnupp - plus the baby and "Nurse" - were here for a little while nast light, or I mean last night. (Sleepy)

Do the monkeys remind you of me?

I am tired and weary (and lonely and would like awful much to see you). Don't tell anyone. I feel as if you would not have to stretch your imagination when hugging the pillow. I am busy, but never too busy to think of you.

I am glad you got there safe. Tell me exacly when you'll be back, so you won't catch me with another girl.

I shall shut down shortly and so good night.

Impatiently yours


P.S. I shall write to Eunice

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