HB Journal for Oct 3, 1939

From Brackbillwiki

When we awoke this morn it was cold and chilly. We shivered as we dressed.

After helping to get Herman off to Work, I, thinking it was going to clear, began to wash, but it rained, and carried my wet wash around and finally hung some of it in the Basement and the rest in the Kitchen.

After a supper of Mush and Milk (which to my surprise, I liked), Herman cleaned out the furnace and the pipes and made a swell fire which felt very good. Now as I, the Better half, write to you, Diary, Herm puts extensions on the windows for my flowers. I must sew 2 buttons on his shirt and then to bed.

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Oct 2, 1939 Herman Brackbill Journals Oct 4, 1939
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