HB Journal for Aug 8, 1940

From Brackbillwiki

Every day is more Red Letterish.

When I went to work I sort of figured I shouldn't have. About the middle of the forenoon Jane came down home & we took her to the Hospital to wait.

Mrs. Young & I figured we had plenty of time to go home & then come back. About 4 oclock we had a blessed event - a 5 3/4 lb baby girl without a name. She was a little ahead of our expectations but very much welcome.

Mother Y. & I went in to see them again in the evening & then had to leave at 7:30. (Happy B-day to our man Neal.)


Evelyn was born early enough that it was some weeks before they gave her a name.

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Aug 7, 1940 Herman Brackbill Journals Aug 9, 1940
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