Brackbill Reunion, 1950

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Saturday, Aug. 19, 1950

60 members of the Brackbill family gathered at Buchmiller Park, Lancaster for a picnic re-union. Rain drove some members home after supper, but some brave souls gathered in the barn for a short business meeting.

Robert Brackbill read the Scriptures, and the president Herman Brackbill offered prayer.

The minutes were approved as read. The treasurer, Hebron Breckbill reported that the family graveyard was mown and kept in condition at a cost of $25.00 - $2.00 was spent for the post card invitations, leaving a balance in the checking account of $2.50; there is $250 in the Brackbill cemetery account, accumulated interest from the trust fund. The treasurer's report was accepted.

The president said Christian Brackbill had left 10 sets of pictures with him, which were sold for one dollar a set. The president suggested each person introduce himself, telling who his parent and grand-parent on the Brackbill side were.

The collection was $21.16.

The election of officers, resulted in the following: Benj. R. Brackbill, president; Robert Brackbill, 1st vice-president; Hebron Breckbill, treasurer, Lucile Brackbill, secretary, Martin Brackbill, assistant secretary.

The new president was introduced and asked for the cooperation and help of all Brackbills.

It was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucile Brackbill


Copy of a letter sent the retiring president,
Herman Brackbill

East Petersburg, Pa.
August 23,1950

My dear Herman:

All the Brackbills who were at the reunion, and especially the officers, want you to know how much they appreciate your effort and interest while you were president; also they want to thank you for the work and kindness which made the fourth Brackbill reunion such a success.

This, which should have been presented to you as a formal motion, is now being written at the request of the president, and will be recorded in the Minutes.

Sincerely yours,
Lucile Brackbill

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