
From Boobies

The actual boobies in #boobies. Knows that Chuck Norris' biography is titled Against All Odds. An aspiring librarian specializing in the history of the chair and the odor of homeless people. Likes to draw weird pictures of people.  :(


Allucinari is one of the long time members of #boobies/#euphro-fruits. She was the &Navi jiggler of EuphRO and consequently got on quite well with the other IRC regulars, thus leading her to become a member of #euphro-fruits and the most awesome guild ever, Fruit Empire. She made a cute little merchie named Honeydew and that was that.

Alas, with the end of EuphRO, Fruit Empire, and #euphro-fruits, she became the boobtastic admin of #boobies, which she remains to this day. Currently, she is found rambling about Phoenix Wright. Because you know, she likes games where the gayness might as well be canon.

Key Facts

  • LOVES Final Fantasy XII. Nothing bad will be said of it in her presence. Unless it's about Vaan being a tard or the tragic wardrobes of just about everyone.
  • Generally harmless, although likes the kicking, the banning, and the muting.
  • thinks Blacksmiths are FUGLY and that Alchemists are the way of the FUTURE.
  • cannot see the future.
  • still reads X-Men comics.
  • is the oldest of the #boobies admin team, and possibly the oldest in the channel, born March 15th, 1985.
  • jiggles. All the time.
  • likes Asians. FOR RESEARCH. and baby making. because she thinks Asian babies are cuter than everyone else's.
  • glows in dark
  • thinks it's funny that Iron Man is an ex-alcoholic and is waiting for Marvel to retcon the whole Civil War by being like "LOLZ TONY WAS DRUNK THE WHOLE TIME!"
  • doesn't think that will really happen, but figures it's about as good as however else they plan on retconning that disaster.
  • likes meat in her face
  • loves being trout slapped constantly
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