
From Boobies

Revision as of 03:44, 26 March 2007 by JirotheHero (Talk | contribs)
The actual boobies in #boobies. Knows that Chuck Norris' biography is titled Against All Odds. An aspiring linguist specializing in Lingrish and other intarwebz slang. Likes to draw weird pictures of people.  :(


Allucinari is one of the long time members of #boobies/#euphro-fruits. She was the &Navi jiggler of EuphRO and consequently got on quite well with the other IRC regulars, thus leading her to become a member of #euphro-fruits and the most awesome guild ever, Fruit Empire. She made a cute little merchie named Honeydew and that was that.

Alas, with the end of EuphRO, Fruit Empire, and #euphro-fruits, she became the boobtastic admin of #boobies, which she remains to this day. Currently, she is found making high pitched noises about FF12, which she is every bit as far as Forge in.

Key Facts

  • LOVES Final Fantasy XII. Nothing bad will be said of it in her presence. Unless it's about Vaan being a tard or the tragic wardrobes of just about everyone.
  • Generally harmless, although likes the kicking, the banning, and the muting.
  • thinks Blacksmiths are FUGLY and that Alchemists are the way of the FUTURE.
  • cannot see the future.
  • still reads X-Men comics.
  • is the oldest of the #boobies admin team, and possibly the oldest in the channel, born March 15th, 1985.
  • jiggles. All the time.
  • likes Asians. FOR RESEARCH. and baby making. because she thinks Asian babies are cuter than everyone else's.
  • glows in dark
  • thinks it's funny that Iron Man is an ex-alcoholic and is waiting for Marvel to retcon the whole Civil War by being like "LOLZ TONY WAS DRUNK THE WHOLE TIME!"
  • doesn't think that will really happen, but figures it's about as good as however else they plan on retconning that disaster.
  • JirotheHero is kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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