Mole Master
From Bluesockapedia
The Supreme Overlord of Muselive - the Admin report to the moles but the moles report to the Mole Master. He is worshipped as if he is somesort of deity possibly because he appears to have God-like powers including the ability to see further than six inches in front of his nose. Never seen, his appearance is unknown but speculation surrounds his enormous size, big powerful front feet and bright red eyes.
The highest position in the Mole order is always Mole Master - regardless of the gender of the mole who holds the position. The position of Mole Mistress is completely different - and doesn't nearly carry the same level of respect.
Election of the Mole Master
Unlike a monarch, Mole Masters are not born into their position. Nor are they elected in the traditional sense as in a democracy. Instead a Mole Master reigns until his position is challenged by a subordinate mole. Any mole can make the challenge: A duel is initiated by the lesser mole tunnelling into the Mole Master (if both are burrowing). Usually the Mole Master will be so pissed off at his subject's bone-idleness that he'll rip its head off and burrow down the hole, tearing the challenger apart from the inside out.
Occasionally the challenger survives long enough to escape this attack. After this a fight quickly ensues where both moles will battle using their large front feet and teeth. The fight can last for many hours and extensive injuries are usually sustained. The fight continues until one mole or the other is killed. If a stalemate is reached then both moles sit down and settle the matter over a game of Texas hold 'em. It will be up to the challenger mole to coax the Mole Master into betting his position as part of the pot on a losing hand.
Upon coronation the Mole Master will give up his old name and take 'Master' to be his new name.