Blue socking

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Blue socking developed from the sexual practice of Red Socking in recent years. The movement was driven by necrophiliacs who wanted to enjoy the thrill of the original sport but with their particular objects of desire: dead people. The fetish gets its name from the fact that when it happens the intestine appears blue rather than red due to the fact that it is no longer filled with red oxygenated blood and so appears a greyish blue colour. It also refers to the fact that the partner is stone cold on account of being dead.

Unlike red socking, blue socking does not require the 'foot' partner to punch the 'sock' partner in the stomach to achieve the effect because the spincter of a dead person sets into rigor mortis so stretched a lot less so it will grip tightly onto the phallus and efforts to withdraw it usually result in the sock effect. Often the only way to get out of the sock is to carefully cut it off (being careful of your phallus) and then run it under warm water until it becomes stretchy - this will make it possible to roll it off as if removing a condom.

This practice is often confused with blue cocking but only by name - the two practices are very different.

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