Mamu Attack group
From Blankadventure
You decided to join up with the frontal attack group who will engage the Zarktonians. As the ship lands, you grap your Quantum Energy Rifle and rush out with you century as the hatch opens on the bleak landscape. Hot searing bolts of energy suddenly burn into the side of the ship as you group begins to take fire. As the other group runs around the rocks, out of sight, your group rushes to cover. Three of your men fall to the Zarktonian's blasts as you get behind the rocks and catch your breath.
Suddenly, you see a hatch open up in the bunker and a fully armed Zarktonian Medium Walker walks out of it. Many troops run in fear as rockets stream out of its shoulder laucher and explodes in your regiment's position. The captain gathers the division that you command together and tosses them armour-piercing explosive launchers.
"They're outdated, I know, but it's all we've got. We have to kill this thing before it destroys our plan."
Another soldier says: "Simmons, you're in charge of our regiment, where should we fire?"
You only have one shot at this. Everyone looks towards you as you contemplate where to fire at it.