
From Bioniclemoc

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Daiku was a Ko-Matoran. He later became a Toa of Ice, leading his own Toa team.




On Metru Nui, Daiku was a Sentry Guard in Ko-Metru. He, along with his friend Eyrehn and an outdated Vahki were stationed outside the city. Their job was to prevent the Ko-Matoran seers from being disturbed while they worked.

Mata Nui

When Daiku went to Metru Nui, his name was changed to Daku. On Mata Nui, his role was similar. He and Eyrehn patrolled the slopes of Mount Ihu, protecting against wild Rahi. He became an expert hunter and tracker.

More to come!


Coming soon!

Kura Nui

Coming soon!

Yehvo Nui

Coming Soon!


As a Matoran, Daiku was impulsive, and had a short temper. When he first became a Toa, he had a lack of confidence in his ability as a leader, but quickly regained his confidence.


Coming soon!

Behind the Scenes

Daiku's name originated from the Daikau plant from the first Bionicle Gameboy Advance game.

Several of the stories Daiku appears in have not been finished. As such, this article contains what would most likely happen, but may be subject to change.


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