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Amino Acids
- There are 20 coded for in genetic sequences
- A protein is a sequence of amino acids --also called a polypeptide
- All amino acids can form peptide bonds
- R groups interact with water
- Negative interaction (or r-groups not wanting to be near water) is called the hydrophobic effect
- Positive interaction = hydrophilic effect
Amino Acids and Protein Structure
- Primary structure is the sequence of amino acids
- Secondary Structure is the folding caused by r-group interaction with water
- Special structural roles:
- Example of special role: proline stops alpha helices because it is an imino acid with restricted bending.
Class 2 Amino Acids: Uncharged, Polar
- This section continues to detail the categories listed near the end of lecture on 09/13/06.
- This group includes:
- Alcohols: serine, threonine, tyrosine
- Asparagine and Glutamine
- Sulphur amino acids: cystine
Serine Peptidases: a family of enzymes
- Cleave peptide bonds by adding water
- Serine is at the active site
- We need the serine at the active site so as to end with an O- after an SN2 reaction
- Chymotrypsin is one of these enzymes --used in digestion.
- Phosphorylation can cause a fold change in the protein when the phosphate group is added
- This fold change could increase or decrease the protein's reactivity.
- This is a control mechanism for turning proteins on and off.
- Examples:
- Glycogen phosphorilase: increases reaction rate (of something...)
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase (an oxido-reduction reaction): decreases the reaction rate.
- Phosphorylation is reversible.
- Threonine and tyrosine can be phosphorylated and dephosphorylated.
- Serines at specific locations are control points.
Phospholipid Role (Phosphatidylserine)
- an example of nature using two chemicals it likes in non-primary roles (meaning serine and lipids are being used but not in ways that we would call primary like we would the buiding of proteins and membranes, respectively)
- Again, a control mechanism
- Can lay against another planar molecule to protect the Pi electrons (e-)
Asparagine and Glutamine
- When we sequence we hydrolyse stuff and this process makes these two amino acids look the exact same
- Asparagine has a special role as it is the only amino acid sugars can be attached to so as to make glycoproteins.
- An oxidation reduction reaction makes disulfide bonds between two Cysteines spacially (as opposed to sequentially) near to one another in a protein
- These disulfide bonds give a tight, precise conformation to the protein. They hold the tertiary structure together.
- Disulfide bonding is reversible.
- Disulfide bonds are not made by hydrolysis!
- Two cysteine disulfide bonded are called a cystine.
- Can be a neurotransmitter like acetylcholine (this is done as a monomer, not in a protein or polypeptide form)
- Glycines are found in tight folding areas of proteins because they do not have an R-group to get in the way.
- Glycines are found in porphyrins, purines and pyrimidines (the latter two from nucleic acids)
- Nature really likes this molecule.
Class Three Amino Acids: Positively Charged (Cations)
- These have more functions than most other amino acids
- These are the really dynamic amino acids
- Lysine likes to hang out in the active site like a fishing hook
- Lysine is called an E-amine (or an Epsilon amine)
Lysines Many Bonds
Schiff base
- Remove water between R1R2C=O and H2N-R3 to make R1R2C=N-R3
- This shifts the wavelength longer.
- So if we find a Schiff base on a lysine on a protein like Rhodopsin.
- Schiff base = rhodopsin - purple when Schiff base
- Color vision is dependent on formation of Schiff base
- Ex.: Aldolase
- an important enzyme in Glycolysis
- Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate (a six-carbon chain) -- (Aldolase --> dihydroxyacetone phosphate (a 3-carbon chain) + glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (a 3-carbon chain)
Amide Linkage
- same as asparagine and glutamine
- Ex.: pyruvate carboxylase
- sticks a CO2 group on pyruvate
- Biotin is used to get C=) group available for putting on pyruvate
- Note, there are many drawings here.
Salt linkage
- Brings in anions
- Easiest