27 Footnotes

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These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Twenty-Seven of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.


===Roz at Nibelheim===
Tifa in Mission 12 of Before Crisis, in the Nibel Mountains.

Nope. Did not make this shit up. In Mission 12 of Before Crisis, your playable Turk (whom I chose to be Rosalind for this event in the fic) spots little 15-year-old Tifa on a rope bridge with her wayward white cat, surrounded by monsters. After coming to her aid, you don't have time to take her back to town, so you take her with you as you head toward the reactor, promising to take her home after your job is done. Your Turk gets to be chummy with Tifa, and then there's a really heartwrenching scene after the town is razed by Sephiroth when your Turk finds Tifa's cat and starts to question whether or not they're strong enough to be a Turk. It's pretty awesome. In any case...we didn't make this up--a Turk really did save Tifa from Kimara Bugs on a rope bridge in the Nibel Mountains. Tifa's fuzzy memories are conjuring dragons as well because the reactor was surrounded by dragons for a time, which was why the initial investigation into the disappearances within the reactor had to be postponed.

===The Corel Reactor===
Rufus and the Turks in the Corel Reactor.

Also not making this shit up. In Mission 16 of BC, we get a little more insight into the destruction of the Corel Reactor. AVALANCHE has occupied the reactor and gets to protesting, demanding that no more reactors be built. Rufus had been playing the informant to AVALANCHE and then tries to strongarm Fuhito, telling the man that he never gave them permission to occupy the reactor and he should be taking harsh measures in response... However, if Fuhito sees fit to destroy the Turks, he'll consider the matter dropped. Fuhito just laughs and tellls Rufus to go screw himself and attacks Rufus, and the Turks now have to protect their dummy VP who just tried to get them all killed. They just can't catch a break, can they?

Afterwards, Veld recognizes Elfé as his long lost daughter Felicia and runs after her to try and get her back, leaving Tseng, Reno, Rude, and your player to protect the VP...but your player gets thrown back down into the reactor with Shears when Fuhito lands an unexpected blow...

Now, it's never stated just how your player gets rescued from the reactor, but seeing as how Reno seems to take lots of pains to check up on you after you recover, it served to reason that he could have done it.

===No, they're not contacts===
Rosalind from the opening sequence, with bright kelly-green eyes.
Rosalind's game sprite, with mako-colored eyes.

Additionally, there seems to be a discrepancy in the color of Rosalind's eyes, which was the reason we chose to have her as the victim of the Corel Reactor disaster. In some of the official artwork, Roz's eyes are green, as shown to the left. However her official sprite illustration shows her with bright turquoise eyes, like Reno's, as shown to the right. In fact...they are the exact same shade of turquoise as Reno's eyes...which seemed a trifle odd. Certainly it's not impossible for two people to have the same eye color, but mako-colored eyes seem unusual and are always artificially induced in this world, and so it got us thinking. The sprite artwork never changes--the eye color is turquoise from the beginning...but to change something as minute as eye color in a tiny sprite image on a mobile phone display would have been silly. But it did give us something to play with.

Basically, it had always kinda bugged me that a big chunk of the fandom seemed to think Reno's eyes were green--they're not. They're quite clearly turquoise, like he was subjected to mako. And while his sanity may be questionable, he hasn't lost his mind the way the people who suffered mako poisoning or Jenova experimentation did...so it served to reason that perhaps he was just exposed to it to the point where it stained his eyes. Then we noticed the discrepancy in Roz's eyes and everything just kinda fell together.
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