04 Footnotes
From Beyond A Wiki
These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Three of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.
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Reeve's Monument
We actually have no idea who canonly designed the monument in the square of town in Advent Children...but since Reeve is an architect, we supposed that it was rather feasible to suppose he might have done the plans for it. Plus Reeve gets no love in fic, so we decided to give him more of a supporting role in our story. >:[
Oh For the Love of--
In every world of Final Fantasy, there are summons--mighty creatures with powerful magic that aid your party in some of the toughest fights of their pixellated lives. The summons are a fundamental building block of Final Fantasy, as important and expected in the storyline as the very magic the worlds are built on, as staple to the game as chocobos and guys named Cid. Whatever the characters call them, be they summons, espers, guardians, eidolons, aeons, or avatars, these creatures are the closest things to heavenly beings that the Final Fantasy universes are granted. Especially in FFX, these creatures are likened very much to gods, as only summoners can call upon their power, and only after they have reached the end of the highest of holy journeys are they considered strong and capable enough to fully harness the power of these beings.
Thus, it served to reason that perhaps the people of the Final Fantasy worlds would refer to these creatures as their gods. You won't hear any of the characters in this story call upon "God"; they may breathe oath to multiple "gods", but if they speak of a single deity, He or She will be called by name.
For an incredibly detailed in-depth look at our conjecture of the way the system of religion might work on Gaia, please visit our Summons section for a completely pedantic and long-winded analysis that really has no particulaar bearing on the fic itself--we just got bored. 8D