02 Footnotes

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These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Two of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.



Elena's Phone

In the scene in Advent Children when Kadaj is sitting atop the plateau while Yazoo and Loz are battling Cloud on their motorcycles, he's speaking to someone on the phone, and while it's never specified who he is speaking to, the fact that he tells the person not to shout and then asks for the president gives a heavy indication that he's speaking to Reno. But this left us wondering two things... First of all, where in the world did Kadaj get a PHS in the first place? Later on, in the scene in Aerith's church where Loz battles Tifa, he also has a phone, and this too is never explained. It's doubtful the Remnants have any money with which to buy a Family Plan on Verizon...and even if they did, it's even more unlikely they'd actually do things that way. It's just not their style. However stealing cellular telephones from the store does the boys no good--a phone doesn't work unless it's activated and on some type of calling plan. So clearly the phones that Loz and Kadaj have were pilfered.

Bringing us to our next question: Whose phones are they? Obviously, they're Tseng and Elena's phones. Why, you ask? First of all, we see only two telephones--why doesn't Yazoo have one? There were only two. Secondly, how does Kadaj know the phone numbers of anyone working for ShinRa? While there is probably a general telephone access number for ShinRa in the phone book, Kadaj isn't keen on letting his fingers do the walking, I'd wager. Moreover, he doesn't just call any old ShinRa number...he calls someone associated with the president, and from the way Kadaj is talking, that person is probably Reno. Obviously, Elena would have her coworkers' phone numbers in her directory...and if Kadaj is looking to get in touch with Rufus to get information about Jenova, then who better to go through than the Turks?
Reno and Cloud cross swords, as it were, in Healin Lodge, in front of a large image of the ShinRa Company logo.

ShinRa and Healin

Little specific information is given on Healin and what precisely it's there for. All we really know is that it's something of a health spa. However, we noticed when Cloud shows up in Healin and has his little chat with Rufus that there is a big framed poster of the ShinRa logo on the wall behind where he and Reno clash. Intriguing, no? It appears that either ShinRa owns all or some portion of Healin's establishment, or they are a significant enough patron of the location that their logo is slapped up on the walls.


In the two years after the destruction of Midgar, chocobos would logically become something of a mass transportation system for those who couldn't afford motorcycles or other personal vehicles. The mass transit systems of Midgar would have fallen with the city, leaving the struggling citizens of Edge without any method of transportation other than their own two feet. Certainly the chocobo breeders of the area would make use of their plight and capitalize on the fact that they now held something of a monopoly on transport. We decided that Chocobo Farm, the only place to rent chocobos in the game, opened up a type of franchise with local shops in major cities, and customers would call these local shops to rent chocobos, which would then run out from Chocobo Farm to their destinations. Sort of like...a car-rental place that will deliver your car to a local branch for you. For further information on our theories about chocobo-rentals, please visit our Even Further Reading page.
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