12 Footnotes
From Beyond A Wiki
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These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter Twelve of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.
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A secret character from Before Crisis, this man is known as "The Legendary Turk". Originally from Junon, he is a super-first class agent who was once feared on the battlefield as the God of Death. He uses both chain bombs and remote controlled bombs in battle. He becomes a playable character after completing Episode 24 (basically, after beating the game), and can be used for Episode 10 and on. He had no canon name, as was the case with all the Playable Turks, and D_A had not given him a name on her site, so we settle on 'Charlie' as the moniker for this character. Very little information is available regarding this character, so most everything mentioned in the fic about Charlie's character is from our own interpretation of him.Valerie
A young woman from Corel who was orphaned in the [Wutai] war, Valerie grew up trying to save other orphans from the suffering she herself had to endure, and sought to join the ranks of the Turks to attain the power to do so. Her weaponry consists of a slew of small throwing knives, and while she carries out her duties as a Turk faithfully and cheerfully, she has a dark somewhat brooding side that believes she goes through her life all alone.As with Charlie, very little information is available regarding this character, so almost everything mentioned in-fic about her is the interpretation of the authors, and has no specific canon basis. >/ I don't even have any scripts of her dialogue, yo. >:[