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Ames, Iowa is one of the larger cities in the state, and perhaps the most liberal and active. It is where the shows and concerts go, because 75% of the city's population are college students and hangers-on thereof. It is culturall diverse, socially active, and overall an exciting place to learn.

Home of Iowa State University (of Science and Technology), it is home to a strong academic community, ranging from engineering (gods of the school), agriculture and agronomy, the sciences, computer fields, veterinary medicine, and to a lesser (but by no means lax) degree, liberal arts, business, and other fields.
For some reason or other, you live in Ames. Maybe as a student, maybe as a faculty member, maybe you just got stuck there for any number of reasons. Iowa is a black hole, after all. It's the nice people, they say....Anyhow, for any number of reasons, you have been pulled into a joint project.

This project, which your character may ro may not know details about, involves a playtest for a "new gaming experience", a "WoW-killer", a "Story Lover's Game" and lots of other things on the slightly tacky posters looking for help and offering community service credits for it.
Which is great for scholarship students, geeks, bored people, or gamarz. And the odd English major who wants to "assist".

And I will warn. The game itself may vary from the Exalted corebook, as it aims to offer a wide, (relatively) stable and balanced play experience. Some charms may be changed in simulation, and even in play.

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