Random Facts About Ariel

From Betweenlines

Revision as of 21:59, 30 May 2008 by (Talk)

1. His birthday is February 12th, making him an Aquarius.
2. He used to be in theater his freshman year of high school. He quit after a production of Hamlet in which he ended up playing Ophelia.
3. Ariel quit because he realized that the depth he'd gotten into the role freaked him the hell out: there was method acting, and then there was just being too in for your own good.
4. He's never liked any of his mother's boyfriends. He especially loathes her current one: he can't put his finger on what exactly made him hate him, he just does.
5. Like any teenage boy his age, Ariel watches porn. He doesn't have much, since what he has found so far hasn't done anything for him.
6. At the very bottom of his desk drawer, hidden beneath a ton of papers, is a yaoi doujinshi he ordered by mistake: the site had been in Japanese, and despite his fluency, all the symbols looked the same at 4 AM running on three hours of sleep. He doesn't admit that he has it, and he definitely doesn't admit that it turns him on.
7. Ariel enjoys cooking and cleaning: he's had to do both for years, since his mom was never home to do either. They calm his nerves nearly as much as gardening or flower arranging does.
8. His favorite color, not that he'll admit it, is a deep purple.

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