Upgrade Metamorfigure

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Upgrade transformed into a motorcycle with Ben riding on him.
Upgrade in his normal form.




The Upgrade Metamorfigure has a cool feature! Just like how in Ben 10, he would "upgrade" technology, he can turn into a motorcycle/racecar now in your hands! Once you transform him into the vehicle, you can drive him in any direction you want, fowards, back, any where!

Merchandise Information

  • Asst. #27405
  • Item: #27407
  • Release: Week of July 15th, 2007
  • MSRP: $12.99
  • Approx height: 8"
  • Points of articulation: 13

Things Included

  • 2 LR44 Batteries.


  • Press the Omnitrix symbol and it will active sounds.
  • Move him back and forth and he will make sounds too!
    • Move him foward and he will say "I'm ready for anything, bring it on!".
    • Move him back and he will make vehicle noises.
  • 4" figures can be used to ride on him when he is in motorcycle/racecar mode.
  • Needs 2 LR44 Batteries.
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