Merchandise Page Guidelines
From Ben10versepedia
To help Ben10versepedia write a good merchandise article, please help by doing the following. Put in whatever you think will catch the reader's eye or attention. On ever merchandise article, put in [[Category:Merchandise]]. Don't forget to put [[Category:DNA Heroes]], [[Category:Metamorfigures]], [[Category:Roleplay]], [[Category:Alien Rocks]], [[Category:Epic Alien Figures]], or [[Category:Games]] depending on what merchandise article you are creating.
Contents |
Type of Merchandise
If a merchandise, for example, is a DNA Hero, replace the "Type of Merchandise" with "DNA Hero".
Write a good, detailed paragraph on what features it has, functions, or what it's suppose to do.
Merchandise Information
Research information about when the merchandise was released, points of articulation, and how much it costs.
Additional Items
For this section, write about what is also includes.
Put in intresting things, tips on how to use it, what is incorrect, secret codes, or anything you want the reader to know or you think is important.