Pinky and Missy

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While Gwen was trapped in a prison, she was also trapped in Charmcaster's body. The time that she spent there, she met two women criminals. The women's names were Pinky and Missy. Pinky, is the leader of the team and Missy was her follower who obeyed her every command. When Gwen manages to escape from prison, the two criminals made their choice to continue live thier lives commiting crimes instead of reforming, so Gwen hands them over to the police by creating a pair of animals made of clay to hold them off until the police manage to arrest Pinky and Missy. Towards the end of the episode, the real Charmcaster ends up back in her body, but goes to the same jail, leaving Pinky and Missy to beat her up for 'betraying' them. They make their first appearance in "A Change Of Face".

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