User talk:Bub

From Battle Wiki



Please use the Guidelines for your Alliance and UserPage. Thank you. Crüsäder

Yes, you have to use the guidelines. Crüsädertalk

I asked if I have to use the userpage guidelines in particular. I don't have a picture of myself, or what I'd like to look like. - Bub

Alwight, mistew, who said you could use someone elses wules? Thatkidsam is not an admin hewe! Crüsädertalk

Okay, so you're telling me off for using someone else's rules. Why don't you just talk to who made them? - Bub


Hey, Bub. Think your QWORENSK League and my The Oracai Crusaders could become allies? -TheEmperorMaster

Yeah. -Bub

War conflict?

Uh, me and Triple Vendetta wanna have a war, but you're on both sides. You wanna sit out of the wars between us, or take sides, or what? -Shadow Scythe Elemen! 14:47, 21 April 2006 (PDT)

Is it an Avatar Skirmish war? - Bub
Yyyyyyyyes. I think. -Shadow Scythe Elemen! 19:22, 21 April 2006 (PDT)
Okay then. I side with Elemanian Alliance. - Bub


HI! IS EVERYONE HERE! The thing 17:22, 21 April 2006 (PDT)

Be more specific. - Bub
From HRWiki. The thing 11:32, 22 April 2006 (PDT)
No. There are 700+ users from HRWiki. - Bub
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