Avatar Skirmish Template

From Battle Wiki



(Insert Alliance 1 Here)

  • List
  • The
  • Soldiers
  • Of
  • Each
  • Member

(Insert Alliance 2 Here)

  • List
  • The
  • Soldiers
  • Of
  • Each
  • Member


(Person) declares a battle with (person)!

Element advantage: (Person) gains 2 Attack!
Speed advantage: (Person) goes first!
TURN: (Person)
Attack not high enough! (person)'s defense is now 3.
TURN: (person)
(Person) is captured!

(Person) declares a battle with (person)!

Element advantage: (Person) gains 2 Attack!
Speed advantage: (Person) goes first!
TURN: (Person)
Attack not high enough! (person)'s defense is now 3.
TURN: (person)
(Person) is captured!


(Fighter): (comment)

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