What is his problem (Daisie)

From Badrp


I'd had my near run-ins with her on account of her character's (Daisie's) interest in Bryan. But if it [this website] hadn't gone up, I would not know the range and depth of the problem. It's like genital warts. As in, no, that's not a mole.

"And you know what? I really like her fiancee. He's such a good writer. He's so generous. But... well... intimacy risks exposure.


By all accounts, Daisie's fiancee is indeed a good RPer -- as long as Daisie isn't around. Both Bryan and Ada say that when they had scenes ALONE with him, he was brilliant, in fact. So it's probably not hard to imagine the kind of wild speculation this can incur about the relationship between Daisie and (?) I say (?) because there is still some disagreement about who exactly he is, and what his name is. Ted? Griffen? At one point someone named Geoff claimed to be her boyfriend, but since then Geoff has very much gone off her. But that's how much of an identity problem we're having with him.

I personally don't actually recognize his style of RPing -- I recognize his alts by first recognizing Daisie's, then simply finding the corresponding male character for it. It's like he always has to be there for her ... but the majority of RPing they do around the Nexus is quite limited. It's usually Daisie trying to hunt down fresh meat to traumatize, and then Ted jumping in when people get mad at Daisie. He would be a much better argurer if it weren't for his cancerous blind spot where Daisie is concerned. He has never once taken anybody's but her side, he does whatever she tells him to do, and he's quite abusive.

It's like a combination of Mommie Dearest and Scientology.

It makes me wonder if Ted thinks he's a good man.

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