Connections with Kali (Daisie)

From Badrp

Once there was an Eastern European fellow who didn't care very much for magic (regardless of whether it was practical or not). Bulgar realized that while some enjoyed the storyline they were doing, others found it a bit distasteful. And so they moved the vast majority of the plot off of Sages into private journals and into a new, smaller community. Unfortunately, some of the people who disliked the plot kept dragging it back to Sages, when they could have just as easily ignored the whole thing. They would make posts telling everyone about all the awful things Bulgar was doing. One of the leaders in this, CatLady, was having an OOC spat with Bulgar and so to them, the posts felt like thinly veiled OOC attacks.

Finally, a truce between the two muns was reached. They would leave each other alone. Bulgar assumed this meant the others would lay off. Much to his dismay, this was not the case. Daisie wouldn't let up, even after Bulgar made the request asking everyone to stop ganging up on the character since he wasn't doing anything to them and anything he was doing, he wasn't doing in any world they were in. So Bulgar lost their temper and made a post with a somewhat graphic and gruesome picture. Bulgar quickly realized their error and took down the picture and instead put up a link and a description. And apologized as well.

But it was too late. People had seen the picture and were furious, with Daisie leading the charge. Yes, she who is all about forgiveness and love refused to accept the apology. Wank occurred and name-calling ensued. I discovered I was a sicko by association (that's something I want to earn on my own merits, damn it). The wankstorm caught the attention of the mods, who called a meeting to discuss what to do. I will point out that Bulgar had not broken any of the existing rules at the time and had voluntarily taken down the picture. Kali (the control freak with all those characters she won't admit to playing) went ahead and banned Bulgar from the site without discussing it with the other mods first[1]. Sort of defeats the purpose of discussion there, doesn't it? She also deleted some of the threads, so now I can't show you the wank in action.

Bulgar wasn't the only one to get into trouble for this. CatLady was warned if she caused any more trouble, she'd be banned from the site as well. Daisie got a talking to for being wanky. Guess who has wangsted the most about this? Not the banned user, and not the one who was threatened with banning. The one who got lectured. Clearly, she was the innocent victim in all of this. I will admit, Kali holds grudges like nobody's business and has most likely had it in for Daisie ever since that day, at least for that one character of Daisie's. It amuses me to no end that Daisie has actually friended one of Kali's super-sekrit characters[2].

1 I believe Olliemun disagrees with this point. I say "I believe" not because I believe one version over the other, but because it's been a heck of a long time since I worked on this stuff. I TRY TO PUT IT BEHIND ME BECAUSE FRANKLY, MY DEAR DAISIE, WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN. GET BENT. And then with an attitude like that, I stop taking anal retentive meticulous notes on what people say to me, what with the snotty desire to be absolutely correct insofar as is possible totally obliterated by maddening, unending apathy.



 I believe Olliemun disagrees with this point. I say "I believe" not because I believe one version over the other, but because it's been a heck of a long time since I worked on this stuff. I TRY TO PUT IT BEHIND ME BECAUSE FRANKLY, MY DEAR DAISIE, WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN. GET BENT. And then with an attitude like that, I stop taking anal retentive meticulous notes on what people say to me, what with the snotty desire to be absolutely correct insofar as is possible totally obliterated by maddening, unending apathy. Anyway.

 Aye and begorrah!

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