Jon Snow
From Asoiaf
Jon Snow is the acknowledged bastard son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. He is currently fourteen.
282 AL Jon was born and also his half brother Robb Stark.
289 AL His younger brother Brandon was born.
293 AL His younger brother Rickon was born.
Gared, a deserter from the Night's Watch, was captured outside a small holdfast near Winterfell. Eddard rode out with Robb Stark, Brandon Stark,, Theon Greyjoy, Jory Cassel, Hullen and Harwin and 12 others to see justice done. This was the first time Bran was allowed to witness an execution. Eddard condemned Gared to death and beheaded him with Ice. Jon and Robb raced to the bridge on the way back. There they found a dead direwolf, killed by a broken antler, and her five pups. Eddard allowed each of his trueborn chidren to keep a pup each. As they were leaving Jon discovered a sixth pup, an albino, which he keept as his own.
The children gathered in the kitchen to argue about the names for the pups.
Jon is strong, fast and with grey eyes so dark as almost black.