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A History

Real Name Not Given
Registration Date May 24, 2004
Rank SwimSuperstar
Regulars Action Discussion and Other Anime

Meatwadmaker was born and raised in one of the smallest cities on Leda, one of the smaller moons around Jupiter. His family, though small, was one of the more powerful families around at that time. Then came the great wars of Jupiter, at this time his family was sent to live on other moons. The first was Phobos, a moon of Mars. The people of Phobos did not treat Meatwadmaker's family with respect and they were often discriminated against for being from one of Jupiter's moons. Even though the war was over, they could no longer return to their home as it has been destroyed by enemy troops during the war. But the family could no longer handle the treatment Phobonians treated them with and decided to leave for a new moon. The next moon was another of the ones around Jupiter, Europa. The family soon discovered that the cost of living on Europa was very high and they were forced to live out on the streets as peasants. Meatwadmaker watched as his family grew smaller.. First was his litter sister, whose body simply could not handle the burdens of being homeless, she died only shortly after they arrived. There are no situations we can't find the way from! As you realize, essay writers writing service should assist you see the way out from academic papers completing embarrassment. Next was his mother, who died from starvation even after trying to hold onto life for so long. Lastly, his father, who had worked so hard to keep the family happy and together, the death of his father struck him the hardest as he always saw him as a strong man incapable of any flaw. As his father was dying he pulled out a sizeable stack of bills and handed them to his son. He explained that he was holding onto the money so they could rebuild their home on Leda but that never happened. He told his son to use that money and get himself a better life. The money was still too small an amount to live on Europa, so he decided he would try living on Earth's moon, a moon that was being used mostly for agriculture at the time, so the cost of living was low and he could find food and water anyplace he went. He lived on that moon for about 10 years until he heard of the first moon rocker to earth, a plan the mooninites had been working on for many years now. He used the rest of the money his father left him to board that rocket and discover life on Earth. Upon landing he was able to find and hold a job as a translator between people who speak Moon languages and Human languages. Due to this job he was able to earn the kind of life he felt his father would be proud of. Then one day he met Kohikki who was traveling across the world to spread the word of his new religion, him and meatwadmaker became friends and then meatwadmaker decided he wanted Kohikki to adopt him and they continued being awesome together.

Life on the boards

Meatwadmaker regulars both the OA and AD folders and has claimed Kohikki as his ASMB father. He also made a Hitsugaya fanclub and a Bleach fanclub which got a lot of posts but was moved to OA.

Start on the Boards

Meatwadmaker was a antisocial kid slowly entering teenhood as he stumbled on night, during an adhd sleepless night, the Adult swim. There he watched the heated battles of Inuyasha and the cleverness of Yu Yu Hakusho, when at the end, a bump said to go to . The next day that's exactly what he did.

The name, why Meatwadmaker?

You have probably thought at one point in time, why the name Meatwadmaker? Well he doesn't really have an answer for you. He's an avid ATHF fan, and as he was just stumbling into anime and was no where near the otaku he is today, he decided to work with what he had. In other forums or places he is commonly known as GoldenLink, the final name he came up with after months of thought.

Action Block Character(s) Most like Meatwadmaker

The two characters that most resemble Meatwadmaker, physically and mentally, are two completely different yet same in a lot of aspects. That will be Maes Hughes, from Full Metal Alchemist, and Hitsugaya Toushirou from Bleach. Toushirou's strategic ability. Hughes upbeat attitude towards family and friends, as well as percision with throwing knives. Toushirou's and Hughes wit. Hughes obsession towards family and friends.

Guest Book

Rawr, leave him luffs.


WOOO....finally signed in here :) - Sesshy

Meateh's Tastes in Anime

Well, if you've paid attention. You will have noticed that Meat is always talking about a different anime, except primarily for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Yu Yu Hakusho. Well that's mainly because he doesnt have one specific taste. He will watch whatever he gets mildly interested in. Everything from Cowboy Bebop to Lucky Star to Honey & Clover to Tokyo Underground, there is nothing this very picky real life eater wont digest into the anime portion of his stomach.

Meaty feels like an old geezer @_@

Meatwad has only 3 big faults. 1 being his italian temper. 2 being his ultimate fanboyism and his defence for truely awesome but tiresome to others anime like Inuyasha. 3 is his rank. Meat is a lowly swimgiant, while all of his closest friends are either legend or order. Thus makes him feel like the kid who always gets picked last in kickball. If it wasn't for the fact that he is a picky poster, having a varied ratio from 1 post in every 5 topics he reads, to 50 posts in 1 thread, then he'd be there by now. It all varies on his interest of set thread.

Meatwad and Boondockboy

They are the white/black brothers of the ASMB. They quarrel like brothers mainly through 1 topic. Who is hawter, Saya or Diva from Blood+. Besides that Meat is very supportive of Boon's awesome Anime Music Video's, even though he isnt that big of a rap fan himself. Boon is very supportive...of...well...Meatwad being himself :D

Meatwad and ze Slikbandit

They are the ultimate fanboys of UVERworld on the ASMB. You cannot die their passion for the rock beats of this awesome band. They share similiar tastes in music as well. As for meateh's tastes in music. He enjoys american music a little, but not as much as japanese music. He will listen to anything J-pop, J-Rock, mainly just japanese. Hell he even listens to J-rap on occastion, as well as J-metal and the like.

The Goddess, Ayria

the goddess that meatwad worships, the woman he will protect tillt he end of time because she is the simple pwn. She knows all that is Blood+ and is just overall, better than you. Nuff said.

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