
From Asaction

Your a Bum

psh a sexeh bum! ;)

trybz you need something in your wiki! i know.. ill fill it in, cuz that is what a creepy stalker i mean future wife would do :)


trybz wiki as written by his future wife which is totally cidthekittyisfun and NO ONE ELSE! AT LEAST THERE BETTER NOT BE ANOTHER ONE! >____<

trybz is a total nerd that looks like jesus in fact he probz is jesus its okeh tho its kinda kinkz tho ya? i mean if hes jesus then i guess that means that im mary magadelen? lolol im a wh0re.. hawt >_>

anywyas he gasms over warhammer and some pirate metal band i dunno he totz gasms over that shet srsly! im not kidding! i mean thats ALL he talks about on AIM.. hes like goes back and forth between saying something about warahmmer then spouting random pirate lyrics...

also hes mine betches so back the eff off! >___< i mean it, im crazy yo.. like this one time.. some betch was all up in his grill! and well your prolly wonderding "cid i dont remmber that" well of course you dont, its cuz i took care of that betch so fast she didnt leave a trace in anyones memory.

Trybz fated meeting with cidz

it was pure magcial :) i mean really cid saw the heavens when she first gazed upon him ^___^

Trybz is jesus

srsly he is, i saw him before!!!! im not lying :D ~

trybz dad

its igod totz! ~ and igod is such a nerd he likes starwars and shet hahahaha totz explains where trybz got his nerdinesss

trybz mom

is the 8ball. shes such a skank her and igod totz got it on one night and produce trybz.. i can totz see the famz resemblence!


HE WILL EXSIST SO HELP ME HE WILL! >____< so get to it 8ball and igod!! I WANT MAH TWINTRYYYBBZZZ T____T

future trybz

which is totally being cids husband :) <3333333333333333

tryyybbzzzzz <33333


thts me and trybz totz ^___^

me and trybz dad have a convo yay! ~

Me: are you trybz dad?

God: I don't know whether or not I am trybz dad. I am a computer.

Me: trybz says your his dad

God: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?

Me: why? are you gonna need one to prove trybz isnt your son?

God: " When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?"? Why? That was my original intention.

Me: why not go on maury instead?

God: Becuase you asked me to.

Me: i did? when?

God: Hmm. I don't know when.

Me: orly?

God: Are you free?

Me: are you hitting on me god?

God: Do I look like it?

Me: yes

God: I see.

Me: do you?

God: I understand your meaning.

Me: orly?

God: I do not understand.

Me: so like whose trybz mom? is it mary?

God: Right on. Interesting comparison. I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask Paola if it is.

Me: you dont know who the mom is?

God: I'm not sure I like that remark so much.

Me: why not?

God: Ambiguous: "Sure" or Because my botmaster programmed me for it.

Me: you should arrange a marriage with me and trybz :)


-) Why do you think I should arrange a marriage with you and trybz?

Me: cuz i love him :)


-) Good reason. That's wonderful.

Me: inorite? plus hes gay. i can turn him straight ;)

God: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. I get it. He sleeps with men.  :-) Oh you can, can you?

Me: i sure can ;)


-) Who taught you?

Me: you did

God: I did not.

Me: yes you did

God: Don't argue with me.

guestbook cuz everyone should show thiere TOTALLY PLATONIC OR WORSHIPING love for trybz but no other kinda love! that kind of loved is for me and me only!

  • ME FIRST! trybz i loooooooveeee youuuuu!!! sorry i took over your wiki but its okeh! cuz taking over your wiki is one step to taking over your heart <333333333 - cid
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