
From Asaction

Real Name spring
Registration Date June 19,2006
Rank SwimLegend
Regulars Action Discussion

cid is some crazy hippy chick with spelling so bad pplz on teh boards named it ciddyspeak..

cids luvz tryble, srsly she wants to have liek 50 of his babehz!!! but tryble is a wierdo and totally wont admit his love to cid..


hey wanna read a totally wierd story about how cid luves tryble and theres souls and dillo involved? awesome... cuz i totally wanna write it!

TeH CiDZ And TRYbLez AnD DilLo SaGA!11!!

so anyways it all started, cids not sure how.. but i think it was from maybe a rant she made? or wat.. anyways cid stated one time about how no one is real and evereyones just imagined, somehow dillo pickd up on this.. and cid started to talk about how she owns evereyones souls and stuff, and dillos like GIMMESOULSNAO!!! to modify them or something...

and then cidz was like yeah sure take watever one you want... however.. dillo wanted a particular soul.. the soul of the one cidz loved, Trybles! cid was like NOWAI!!! but then she gambled with his soul and LUCKILY one.. after that she promised NEVAR to gamble with his soul EVARAGENZ!!!! this however did not stop dillo, HE MUST HAVE THAT SOUL!! why im not sure.. hes made up various reasons... and has tempted cid ALOT.. srsly its hard to resist wen he starts saying how he can make tryble love me and stuff.. yeah... but cidz was strong...

so cid eventually said here tryble take your soul its yours, and it was his.. for awile.. then i think cid got mad at tryble? oh no wait.. he sid smethig that made her suspicious hemight screw up his soul.. so she took it back, shes not sure if he knows this or not but she assumes she does.

so all was good, she kept resist dillo and it would seem dillo wouldnt get his soul.. however, dillo is crafty.. and dillos made this list right? of ppl he said would be picked in teh ADer theme thread and said how ppl wll prolly spite him and not pic the ppl he chose and i was like dont worry! wheover duz that you can ahve thier soul :) and it was like yay!

sadly cid is dum, and didnt think about st00f.. sooo it turned out tryble day FINALLY came after much begging and crying and something about apeption? awesome.. and after that dillo had on the list that tryble would pick moaty.. but since moaty made a thread which tryble specifically stated not to, they broke it off (yay!) and then tryble said next person to post that dindnt get picked made it... sadly, it wasnt moaty.. it was ravyn...

cid was devistated NOOOO!!!!!!! she cried!!!!!!! youre suppose to pick moaty dam it!!!! all seemed lost dillo wud get trybles soul no doubt, cuz ya know tryble never goes back on his word (gawd hes hawt..) HOWEVER! cid quickly thought of a plan! she knew dillo cant resist gambling and stuff.. so she made an offer, to give cid 1 month to get tryble to admit his love for her, and if in 1 month he doesnt do it, dillo gets his soul + cid will destroy her inner hippy + cid will forever leave tryble alone ending this madness completly!

soo taht is where we stand, cids trying to get tryble to say ILY.. tryble is trying to fidn a loophole, cid is trying to get rid of those loopholes cuz she wants him to admit it!!! cid realizes that maybe she shouldnt and let him get by on those loopholes cuz he mght not admit it.. WHICH HE BETTER!!

sooo will trybles soul be saved or dammed? will cid still be a hippy? does anyone even care? prolly not.. buuut ah well its 230 an time for me to get some sleep! gnight... <33


evereonez doinetz! write naoz!!!!

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