Van Argeno

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Van Argeno as he appears in BLOOD+
Character Profile
Age Appears to be in his early thirties
Physical Characteristics Average height, assumably around 6', Short slicked back grey/purple hair.
Occupation Scientist
Powers and Abilities None
Family Members Cousin Lloyd Asplund
Significant Friends Hikki Follet
Show of Origin Blood+
VA Crispin Freeman
Affiliation Ozzal


A native to France, Argeno is a man of science. In earlier times (prior to the events of La Revolution) Van met Hikki Follet while still living there. As a scientist he worked for Ozzal, like Professor Matrix. Though the details of his secret research are still unknown, he became unhappy with the need to betray people he cared about, and the decision to work for Ozzal led to his ultimate demise.

More details to come upon Kohikki's completion of the Van/Hikki Backstory Sidefic.

Chapter Guide

Chapter 2: Baker's Dozen

Van warns Hikki not to burn the baked goods.

Chapter 16: The Dragon's Teeth Part 4

Van captures Clarice and Samson and reveals himself as an enemy.

Chapter 17: The French Connection

Van and Hikki reflect on sides of the war and their relationship while negotiating Hikki and his friends' freedom. After resolving things, the two make love and Van agrees to let Hikki and his friends go free only to be murdered by one of Ozzal's guards for his betrayal.

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