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Revision as of 10:59, 18 March 2008 by Cidthekittyisfun (Talk | contribs)
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cid and champys aim convo: 3-18-08 - read it.. you know you wanna expereince the awemenss!! can you belive we use to do tis for hours everday?

champloo713: cid!!!!!!!!!!!

springy pingy: ZOMFG CHAMPY!!!!!!

springy pingy: HAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

champloo713: *gives u a super awesome hugz!!!*

springy pingy: HOWA RE JU OMFG!!!???/ IM SO O HAPPY IM TALKING IN CAPS!!11!!! hippor arade!!!!

champloo713: lol,cute penguin =)

springy pingy: yay!!! *super glomps hus ju with hippos*

springy pingy: thx.. i changed him.. hes WEREPENGUIN RAWR!!!

champloo713: lol!!!! I'm allright,I just decided to see if u were on,wat bout u?

champloo713: awwww,I don't get to see ur hippos

champloo713: he's a penguin plus a werewolf???? =O

springy pingy: im gud.. still on surpsingly.. to think i wasnt gonna go on.. cuz liek iw as like tired but shankey was liek get on so i was like okz then im talking to sammycham

springy pingy: awww ju cat thats lame its ok tho..t hey lvoe sju.. yeah totz hes a penguin + werefolwf thats so aweome!

champloo713: penguins are awesome by themselves,but when u mix em wit a werewolf u got one badass/cute animal!!

springy pingy: INROTE!!! they can totz take on the hax0rrabbitz!

champloo713: my pandas miss ur pink hippos....especialy my whorey panda,he misses ur whorey pink hippo

springy pingy: awwww.. may whorey pink hippose mossies jur sad panda! i shud makea thread about that sometime

champloo713: we all know a penguin pwnz rabbits =)

springy pingy: doood fersher!!!!

champloo713: coolz!!!dooo eet den my pandas will marry ur pink hippos in a gay weddin in San Fran....wait,they isn't gay

springy pingy: so..t hey can be gay if they wanna!!! INORITE!!! ext time jur on nd im on.. liek.. fersher

champloo713: yay!!! ^__^ *gives u another hugz wit my pandas too sumhao =O*

springy pingy: *WHEEEE!!!!!!!* ithought ju sed panda sombraro

springy pingy: and i was like.. doood ju got a panda wearing a sombraro.. tahts liek.. so aweome!

springy pingy: and he shud wear a pancho too! name him..panda guitierrez!

champloo713: lol!!!!!! a sombrero wearin panda wit a pancho?....BEST IDEA EVA!!!!!!champloo713: Panda,that sounds fr00kin awesome!!

springy pingy: INORITE!!!!!!! thats liek... beyond aweome!! dood.. he can be like teh bianocal 6 million pso dolloar man from robot chicke.. but hes a panda.. so hes like.. also a robot

champloo713: the awesomeness of that can't even be mesured in Spike Speigles awesomness meter.....that's hao awesome a 6 Mil peso Panda/robot is

springy pingy: OMFG!!!! is that liek.. moar aseomewner then mah trybleblum conpiracy i totally came up with tonight ad put it in mah wiki?!?!?

champloo713: btw,ur pic of that penguin u have on ur myspace is soooooooooo cute and awesome ckuz he's breakin da law!!he's stickin it to da man >_<

springy pingy: HAHAHAH INROTIE!!! hes such a reble.. hes like.. screw juand jur.. lawz! ill fish where i wanna fish!

champloo713: *is in shock of da awesomeness* @_____@

champloo713: lol,I think I might steal that penguin from u >_>

springy pingy: hhah DOET!!!

springy pingy: i put him togethr for jusa dollar.. i saw him.. and im like.. dooood thats so awesome!

champloo713: It really is awesome,I dunno why but its just sooooooooooo dayme cute and adorable ^___^

champloo713: wait....ima guy,I shudnt find things cute or adorable

springy pingy: INORITE!!!! i named him ice fishing pingu!

springy pingy: soo ju still can! i kno lots of boiz thats like.. that stuff is soo cute

champloo713: nao I feel like stealin a penguin from da zoo......wanna help me steal one?u can steal one for u too =O

springy pingy: DOOO YSH!! LETS DO ET!!!

springy pingy: and well give it a gud home and name it jose! jose the beer drinking penguin.. he gets wasted and goes fishing with ice finishing pingu where hes not suppose to!\\

champloo713: lol!!!!!!! they'll be BFF's for all time!!!!!

champloo713: beer and fishing go hand in had afterall >_<

springy pingy: THEY TOTALLYWILL OMFG!!! fersher!!!! and penpne too

springy pingy: i know!!! they doz

champloo713: but penpen will hit on Jose ckuz they is gonna be drunk

springy pingy: oooh yeah true.. penpen is wierd liek that

springy pingy: jose will be like HEWY MYANZ!! thats the NOMAYNSZ ZONE BAK OFF!!! and st00f

champloo713: and I think Pingu and Jose are gettin married soon =O

champloo713: Jose is a mean drunk

champloo713: but Penpen knows hao to kick'll be a good and funneh fight,that's for sure

springy pingy: omfg ju rly think so!? but.. wudent ice fishing pingu be like *stabs ju with mah ice pick* cuz thats wat he duz

champloo713: mmmmmm,tru but Pingu isn't violent or stabby wit the ppl she Jose!!

springy pingy: he drinks swears breaks the law fishes and stabs ppl with his ice pick...

springy pingy: rly? well.. tahts ttrue.. pingu isnt violent.. jose is

champloo713: sounds like the GREATEST penguin alive!!!!

springy pingy: jose is such a meangy drunk.. and liek.. noa pingu will have like 10 of his kidz...

springy pingy: INORITE!!!! dood ice fihsing ping u pwns so hard ima write abut him mah wiki! and then yours! cuz i can

champloo713: well moar like 30,Jose is mexican ya know.....

springy pingy: XDXDXD oh yeah thats true!

champloo713: lol,dooooooo eeeeee ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidz!!!!

springy pingy: poor pingu all she wanted was to be married with 2 kidz!

springy pingy: i so am!!! i already wrote wied consierperaceis in mah wiki wats moar!

springy pingy: i shud add a pic of ice fishing pingu to mah wiki too!

champloo713: and nao Pingu is havin to raise 30 kids wit Jose always wastin their moneh on booze

springy pingy: aww and gamblimg too! cuz joses is a gamblerler!

champloo713: lol,u shud definetly add a pic of Pingu,if u didn't them ppl wudnt understand his tru awesomness and rebeliousness!!

champloo713: he gambles too???....poor Pingu,she shud of married Pedro,he's a good penguin,and he has a job that pays moar than $10.00 an hour

springy pingy: ofmg rly!? i know.. why didnt she marry pedro?

champloo713: ckuz stupid pedro was too scared to tell Pingu hao he felt about her so he didn't tell Pongu hao he felt

champloo713: pingu*

springy pingy: OMFG!!!!! he shudda!! he shud steal her away

springy pingy: omfg *add s this to mah wiki*

champloo713: lol!!!!

springy pingy: my wiki is so gonna pwn!.. someday i shud like.. just copy and paste one of our convoes.. that wud pwn all wikis!!

champloo713: but Pedro lives all the wai in Arizona,that's where the zoo he's in is at,and Pingu is in San Fran

springy pingy: aawwww rly? wat if we kidnape pedro and bring him to sanfran to be with pingu/

champloo713: lol!!!!!!!! ppl will be like "wtf?these 2 ppl are fr00kin weird,talkin bout pandas hippos and penguons wit 30 kinds" >_<

champloo713: we shud do that right nao!!!!!!

champloo713: kids*

springy pingy: XDXDXD nah.. theyd be like "hmm.. just the kinda convo id expect from cid and champy!" INORITE LETS DO IT NAO!!

springy pingy: *gets mah rope and mases*

champloo713: *puts on black ski mask* u ready? >_>

springy pingy: heck yeah elts go!

champloo713: lol,we have da weirdest convos eva.....we're just that awesome!!!!

springy pingy: INROTIE!! i miss those no one cud ever have such wird convoes!

springy pingy: i am SO gonna make a thread posting thsi convo or soemthing!

champloo713: ummmm,I don't kno hao to get to Arizona tho,do u? our convos=PURE EPUC WININGNESS!!!

springy pingy: hmm.... IKNO!!! time machine

champloo713: doooooo eeeet,and if u do make a thread postin it I GOTTA see it >_<

springy pingy: but ice fishing pingu has it.. do you think liek...hell let us use it?

springy pingy: lol ok sher! ill wait till jur on.. ju cant see boards on jur phone right?

champloo713: I can,but I don't kno if I can post,and it usually takes about 5 min to just go into a thread

champloo713: If we tell Pingu shed deff let us use it to bring Pedro

springy pingy: orly? bummer that s00kz! its ok ill wait till wen jur on the boards.

springy pingy: thats true! but jose like duesnt let anyone near pingu.. so we need to break into jose and pingus house to get tehtime machine to get perdro bak

champloo713: if u want u can make it whenever u want,just link me da thread when I am on ^___^

champloo713: lets drug Jose's beer,we knock him out then steal it!

springy pingy: ok.. ill do it later tho cuz im tired... OMFG!! LETS fersher.. ju got any drugs.. wait.. jru champy of course ju do!

champloo713: lol,well I don't right nao,but we just need to make a quick stop and then I can get sum >_<

champloo713: or shud we just beat him till he knocks out?I mean,he is a meany afterall

springy pingy: hmm.. yeah lets just punch him and kick in the ballz! hes drunk anwyasy wot be too hard

springy pingy: he dersves it he hit pingu! :p

springy pingy: :o

champloo713: HE DID???????

champloo713: lets feed him to da killer whales then!!!

springy pingy: YEAH LETS!!!! hey.. if we kill him and buryhim in the backyard then liek.. w can just have pingu use the time machine t go to perdo and be happy..

champloo713: tru,then everythin will be perfect!!well not for Jose but he's a meany so no one cares

springy pingy: inorite! and the poilce wont care cuz well pay them in extra fish and liek...they is penguisn so its kewl

springy pingy: doood! can i post a link to another wiki page and copy and paste convoes in jur wiki? can i! cuz itll ba esome! at least this one..t his one must be shown to the wolrd!

champloo713: from wat I hear not even the penguin cops liked Jose the drunken penguin

champloo713: dooooo eeeeeet!!!!!

springy pingy: yeah they never did.. they was like yay ju did u a favor wrrr...

springy pingy: OK YAY!@

champloo713: lol,its been months since we've had a convo like this

springy pingy: inorite! i miss our wied convoes.. can ju belive we use ot keep this up for liek.. hours too!

champloo713: for like hours and then wed do et the next day.....we is just too weird for words

springy pingy: ahaha inorite!!! i rly missed that

springy pingy: no one else will come up with wierd ides like me!

champloo713: hellz nah no one won't,ur weirdness is too great,plus ur weird in a awesome wai,not in a weird wai,but in a awesome super mega coolz weird wai =)

champloo713: I'm just weird

springy pingy: OMFG RLY!?!?! dood jru liek mega weomeners in a super aowemsnees i cant spell awesomes cuz thats how aweosme ju ar!!!!!

springy pingy: lol im wiedrd too lets be wierd together

champloo713: but u is moar aweomser weirc than me!!! lets be weird together 4 evarz!!! =O

champloo713: being unweird is overrated anyways

springy pingy: OMFG YESH LETSS!!!inoriteand ju know whose unwierd.. jose...

springy pingy: and ehs lame! so elts be wierd.. cuz the kewl ppl are wied!

champloo713: we is like Pinbu ice fisnin kewl!!

champloo713: Pingu*

champloo713: we is soooo coolz we make polor bears shriver! =O

springy pingy: YEAH TOTZ!!!! we is all about the fihsin were we isnt suppose to!

springy pingy: doood!!!! tahts liek.. beyond kewl!!!

champloo713: If we walk on water we freeze it,that's hao coolz we are!!! >_<

champloo713: we fish were we want just turns out we like fishin were we're not supposed to

champloo713: we listen to no law!! Especoially laws against ice fishin

springy pingy: INRITE!!cuz we is reblesspringy pingy: fersher maynz *puts on our lether jakest snad sunglasses* cuz we is like.. soo cuuulll

springy pingy: doo were so kewl.. ppl like.. is like "mayx jur so cool we is gonna naemd a langeage after ju!!!"

champloo713: AWESOME!!!!! *passes out from da coolness of the both of us* @_____@

springy pingy: mfg!!! *tries o t revies ju but passes ju out too*

champloo713: daym,nao Jose's brotha is gonna steal our moneh when we is passed out

springy pingy: OMFG NOOO!!!! hes lmaost as bad as jose

champloo713: wait....I forgot,he's in jail for stealin a candy bar from the vendin machine,no need to worreh,but nao we is passed out.....ummm,maybe Pingu & Pedro will revive us!

springy pingy: *phew* ok gud.. yeah maybe do j think pingu and perdo came bak yet?

champloo713: I hope so.....*we is both revived* thanx,Pin--oh no.....its.....its......DUN DUN DUN!!!

champloo713: Jose da drunky penguiny is back from da dead!!!!!

springy pingy: WAT!?!? DRUNKEN MECHA ZOMBIE PENGUIN JOSE!?!? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

champloo713: nao he's a drunk,meany,gambler......and a ZOMBIE!!!!

springy pingy: WTVERSHALLWEDO!!11!!!!!!!!

champloo713: we gotta killz him again!!!!

springy pingy: OMFG!!!!!

springy pingy: BUT HAO!?!?! hes already dedz!! sh00t him in the hed?

springy pingy: that workds i zombie mobiez

champloo713: I think ur wereguin can kicxk his ass!!

springy pingy: OH YEAH!! lets bring out werepenguin!

springy pingy: GET HIM WEREPENGUIN RAWRZ!11!!

springy pingy: did he.. get him gud? he shdu beit his hed off..

champloo713: Hhahahahah,stupid drunken Zombie Jose,he thought he cud beat the greatest animal eva,but he didn't ^___^

champloo713: bite his head off,wereguin!!!!!

springy pingy: dood.. Nnowai!!! no one.. can beat were penguin!!!!!!!.. excpt for maybe....

springy pingy: ice fishing pingu!? omgi wud love to see that fght!

champloo713: that wud be the most awesome,coolz,kickass,fr00kin amazin fight in history of histroy!!

springy pingy: INORITE IT SO WUD!!! dood.. that wuwd be like.. too much aweoms the ord wud liek.. go SLOADY!!

springy pingy: liek.. the universe.. and ebertying!!! time wud liek. stop exsisting.. cuz tahts how aweosm it wud be!

champloo713: the awesomeness wud make the universe impolde????? =O

springy pingy: doood.. yesh.. liek.. versher!

champloo713: I wud deff pay over 1 billion dollars to see that fight!!

springy pingy: so wud i!!! it wud be like.. totz worth it. our eyes wud melt to see such aweomsnes!! but it wud be totally worth itCidthekittyisfun

champloo713: I wonder if we can still get tickets......wanna try stralin sum?I'm in a stealin mood right nao

springy pingy: sure okz! yeah lets do cuz tahts how cid and champy rollz.. we is too poor to buy st00f

springy pingy: we steal!

champloo713: lets steal sum pandas and hippos too

springy pingy: cuz stealins kewl.. and we is kewl

springy pingy: YEAH!! and a giraff too?

champloo713: lol!!!!!!!!!! that shud be out slogan >_<

springy pingy: and a house! cuz we sed we was gonna live in a house with giraffs ad pandas and hippose and st00f

champloo713: hellz yea!!!

springy pingy: haha it shud and it will be! fersherz!

champloo713: and tigers too!!!

champloo713: we have the greatest slogan in the world!!

springy pingy: OMFG YESH!! and ligras!! and and... ZONKIES!!! zebra donky hybrid! they exist ju know i saw it on lets make a deal

springy pingy: INORITE WE SO DO!!! it pwns soo hard! haree thn rodkz!

springy pingy: rox*

champloo713: lets just get ever animal,that way we can just throw out the ones we don't want ^___^

springy pingy: YEAH LETS!!!! cuz stealing we can get wat ehw ant!

champloo713: we steal ckuz we is cool like that....its hao we rollz!

springy pingy: dued or conve is long lol..

springy pingy: HAHA thats our slogan!! we shud amke tshirts that say that and sell them

champloo713: lol,that's ckuz we got a lot of weird things to say that we havnet said in a loooooooong time

champloo713: we can seel thewm for like $500!!!!!!!

springy pingy: inrotie!! we cud keep this up forevar!!!!

springy pingy: omg yesh letsss!!! and then we steal their wallets too..

champloo713: and if ppl don't buy them we'lll beat them up

champloo713: awesome idea!!!!

springy pingy: yeah!! with broke beer botthesl!

springy pingy: inroite!! and then we drive awya int hier cars.. taht we stole!

champloo713: sell them the T-shirt then steal their wallets.....ur a genuis,cidza!!!!!

champloo713: we steal ckuz we is cool,and we is cool ckuz we steal.....we is just too cool for even fake words.....lioke this....dcfhsjhcfhsjhc,we're even too cool for that,whatever tha even means

springy pingy: i amyz arent i!!! lolz.. nah its just all about thinking like a clepto which we is!!!springy pingy: OMFG we so izz!!!!!!

springy pingy: its lik slkjfslf7848855884d;fsfjsf;sjkf -=[p;. that we is too kewl for too!

champloo713: we is soooo coolz,we can add numbers to st00f and still be moar collerz......sdh342wehjrwhjk2342whj4rh342hjh212313.....see?we're still cooler than that

champloo713: Even with the $ sign,we is still cooler!!!

springy pingy: OFMG!! even with english marky things like these :?>}[';/+(

champloo713: no one will eva be cooler than us....I mean,come on,we got the greatest slogan in histroy,no one will eva beat ur slogan!

springy pingy: NO ONE!!! i mean... plus ice fishig pingu is our best frend.. that makes us INSTANT kewl!!! fersher

springy pingy: doood our slogan is soo awesome ima add it to mah siggeh!

champloo713: when Pingu is ur friend u is automaticly labaled as supercool!

champloo713: doooo eeeeet!!!ima add it to my sig too when I got on a comp!!

springy pingy: OMFG AEWOME!!! i so amz.. aas soon as i fiishe copying and pasting our convo wich ive been doing for like.. thsi time.. cuz its so awesome we gota share it to to teh world

springy pingy: ino pingu is soo kewl!! thats hwy hes liek. the rebel fot eh penguin colongy

champloo713: wat if da world self destructs ckuz of da awesomness of our convo? =O

springy pingy: ofmg ju rly think so!?

springy pingy: but.. we gotta.. plus. we is so kewl that everyone will die but us and ice fishing peingu and pedro and pingu and wheover else is kewl!

champloo713: I hope not....but our coolness just might do that....but who cares?we're rebels!!!!

springy pingy: ad tryble blume, and 6 million dollar bionical sambrao wearing mecha panda!

springy pingy: yeah!!! we gotta go agesnt wats wright and do wats wrong!

champloo713: tru!!that wud be soooo cool,the word cool wud ceade to exist!

champloo713: we nevar do wats right,we only do wats wrong!

champloo713: we make our own rulz,and follow no ones

springy pingy: YEAH! hey that shud be our second slogan

springy pingy: wen our other slogan is passed out drunk and fl00zing it upw whores.. taht can be our subby sologan!

champloo713: awesome!!! we're soooooo awesome we need 2 slogans.....I've never heard of anyone bein so awesome they need 2 slogans

champloo713: hellz yeah!! Plan B FTW!!

springy pingy: IKNOW!! but we do! cuz we is that aweosme!!!! i bet we can even ahndle.. 3 SLOAGLNZ!!!!

springy pingy: plan b is aweome. and toally not a wh0re liek plan a

champloo713: plan A is a wh0rez wit a hairy chest!!

springy pingy: inorite!! totaly is.. bleh

springy pingy: ah... its so late... but idotn wanna go to bed.. i wanna talka bout wierd st00f!!! ill go in 15 minz

champloo713: 3 slogans? we dare? =O

champloo713: k,I need to sleep to but I don't want to go either >_<

springy pingy: omfg!! lets!! we is such rebzl!

springy pingy: iknow.. its hard stop talking to ju wen we have wierd comvoes!

champloo713: awesome!!!! wats our other slogan gonna be?

springy pingy: um.. idk.. we is so aweomse it jsut comes to us

springy pingy: liek the wind!

champloo713: Vereh truz,we can't stop talkin when we have weird convos

champloo713: the wind is always wise!

champloo713: and*

springy pingy: it is!! liek the wise old kiwi!! hes liek super wise! big kiwi is!

champloo713: we need no wise st00f,we go by our rebeliousness,it always leads us to moar awesome st00f!

springy pingy: iknorite!!!!.. omfg!! that can be our 3rd slogan!!!!!

champloo713: wise is for the ppl who think bout wat htye gonna do,we neva think bout anythin cept doin st00f we shudnt do ckuz we is rebelious and all

champloo713: awesome!!!!!

springy pingy: yeah i know!! we live for hte relbielousness!! we is so relbeilousnes swe dont evne wse wrl wordz we makre up our owna nd spell wrong ON PURPOUSE!!!!

champloo713: I need to write down these slogans,I don't want to forget em

springy pingy: i know me too! and add them to mah siggeh!

springy pingy: dood dood.. guess wat? i haxed mah own first account using the glitch! thats totz rebeliousness!!!!

champloo713: wurds r dum,w3 1s n0t!

champloo713: u can use ur 1st SN nao???

springy pingy: ys thyrso wierdz!!!! YEAH I CAN OMFG!!!!

champloo713: Its rebelious and against what da MAN stands for!!

springy pingy: its so awesome! im all about the haxzen mah first account lolz! its like.. older then ju f-00lz!

springy pingy: YEAH!! da maynz always be bringgn us down!

champloo713: nao we bring down da man wit our coolness and awesoness and rebeliousness.....AND our penguin friends!!!!

champloo713: wat rank is it nao?

springy pingy: OMFG!!! da mayn downs t stand a chane nao!!!

springy pingy: its white.. im legend!

springy pingy: jur SNs ranked to actual blue huh?

champloo713: ur very 1st SN is Legend nao too?????

champloo713: yeah,spammer713 and Count_Tenzen are blue

springy pingy: ooOOo wait.. i thought ju meant mah cid one.. nah.. my first one is still gray cuz it had like. 2 posrs and like 18 mins lol

springy pingy: aesome! tahts so kewlz! jur bluem fersher noaw.. ju think youll hever reach jur old rank?

champloo713: awww,I thought u had 2 Legend SN's

champloo713: I passed my old rank,I was VIP for only 2 days before it got permbanned

springy pingy: orly? i thougth ju was purple.. thats so kwel!

springy pingy: nah i wish! i cud if i had kept mah first account ctive.. i wudd a been oen of the first owls prolly

champloo713: Its purple nao but not when it was permbanned

champloo713: u is gonna be da coolest and nicest Owl in da history of the boards!!

springy pingy: ohisee!

springy pingy: lol ju rly think so! but wat about kitzeh.. hes an owl too ju knoz! and dubzeh will be one too

champloo713: well only u and Knight......J,I kinda worry bout him bein Owl....ya know

champloo713: J will prolly kill me when he's Owl anyways

springy pingy: rly? why is that? do ju think he can handle the owlness?

springy pingy: omfg jur right! hez crazy liek that.

springy pingy: thats why i mut be owl before him.. so liek.. can stop him!! with mah aweosmeness!

champloo713: he might not be able to,he dopesant have the force like u do!

champloo713: doesnt*

springy pingy: taht true!!!... i gots teh force!

champloo713: U must reach Owlz before J!!!

champloo713: psssh,that's ckuz u created da force!!! =O

springy pingy: I MUST!!!! por los ninos y pantlones!!11!!

champloo713: especially for the kids and pants!!!!!

springy pingy: darm straight!!! the force is mien... even luke skywalker was lyk daaaymmz girl.. ju totz created the foirce!

springy pingy: inorit! the kids and pands are liek.. most important!

champloo713: skywalker has nothin on u,he's a pnasy compared to u

champloo713: the world wudnt rotate witout kids or pants

springy pingy: i know.. eh rly is!! im so GARer then him!

springy pingy: nope it wud like.. no even exist kids and patns created the world!

springy pingy: ay myazn is 3am.. i shud go to bed noa.. but i dont wanna.. but i gotta wake up early.. ah well.. i shud get on moar.. i mis our conves

champloo713: and they rulz da world too.......that's why we is gonna try and stop them ckuz they wanna destroy all penguins ckuz they lnow only penguins can stop them

springy pingy: omfg jur right!!!! lets destroy them with our ray gunz of lighting boots!!!

champloo713: that's allright,I gotta wake up earky too I miss them too

champloo713: we have ray gunz and lightin boots!?!? Since when???

springy pingy: aawww i knows.. i was thinking of the wierd ones we had like we we talked about food hving affairds ands t00f like ketchup and musard that was fun adn iwerd..

springy pingy: dooood!!! weve always had them we wen stole them off the alines wen we space travled!

champloo713: lol!!!!!!

springy pingy: we totz beat up the aliens and took their st00f! cuz we is space stealers too!

springy pingy: ok i rly need to get to bed gnight champy!

champloo713: aeesome!!! I didn't know we had thewm *destroys Utha wit da lightin boots* oops...

champloo713: Night cid!!!!

champloo713: Hearts ya! ^__^

springy pingy: yeah thats how its dun!!!! ok gnight champy ah wel maybe we cn do this agenz someday

springy pingy: hearts ya too ^___^

champloo713: k,bye cidz!!

springy pingy: bai

champloo713: yay!!! Night cidz ^__^

champloo713: bye

springy pingy: :)

there... one full convo.. i shud totally find the one we had of food and thier affairs and st00f!

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