
From Asaction

Revision as of 09:49, 9 January 2008 by Icouldnt (Talk | contribs)

Tryble's Q&A

Go ahead. Ask a question. Learn the mysteries of the universe from the guy who knows absolutely everything.

Q: If a tree falls in the forest and hits a mime, does anyone care? Icouldntmakeupanalias


ZOMFG!! TRRRRRYYYLLLLBBEELSS!!!! totz nedz no maorz lyk omg emptteee gest buk thingyz.. cuz.. i lurves juuuuu lyk i lurves zombies and choco pudding and karman and omg!! choco pudding is gud just accept itz!!! but itz ok cuz lyk omg!!! i lurves ju still.. write me maor stories.. pleeeeaaasseeeeeee i miss them.. i feel soo imcompletez with out themz!!111!!!!

and i totally dunno if i can writ ein this.. but i will.z deletz if i ju wantz...

also.. jur apge nedz rainbowz..eryone nedz rainbowz. totz scrwz with jur wiki agen.. omg this is fun!!!!! i wish i cud lyk rabomez on maore on jur wiki :( - cid.

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