Part 1

From Asaction

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Kittie-Piggie wars part 1 (This was like, the one to start everything off. the rest of the parts are REALLY good)

One day in the distant world of Incobab. Eventually, Riku plucks a vegiable from the ground cause he wanted to eat it and make Kai turn on pots and pans for Lewis' special stew. Then Riku Plucked the wrong beets. These beets made a thunder strike Riku down tuning him int a cute little kitty. Mui turned into a cute little piggie. She Looked like Ton Ton from Naruto. Such cuteness. yet no one know who was cuter. so An army of Barnyard lookin ships come to blast everything with rainbow beams of cuteness. everyone that got hit turned into a cute little piggy. OINK!!!

Then Kitty Riku summoned Knights of the Kitties to fight the Piggies. Their Beams turned people into cute little kitties. The Knights of the Kitties ran into the Piggie Warship, Which transformed into Ruby Piggie (ruby Weapon from Final Fantasy 7). Piloted by WizPig. The La'Revolution Army got into the fray and They Fought like hell but in the end some became piggies and others became kitties. Such cuteness. the only ppl left Were J, vitamin Ci, Chinjibot, Knitii, and Mr.Cappit. ChinjiBot became Emerald Chinji (based from Emerald weapon from Final Fantasy 7). As Emeral Chinji Fought warships, J's Brother Hated Kitties so much they sickened him to RKH blood (Rabid Kittie Hater) !!!

He Litterally became a piggie for the hell of it. hence, WizPig. Wiz Pig Fuzed With Nirvash to make Ruby Piggie 0!!!! Rooter Planes were sent in as an army from Knittii but like, 500 out of over 9000 were Piggiefied or Kittiefied!!! Detective J Went to piggie base along with Vitamin Ci to call off the War and the only way to do that was to Make Kai's Balls inert in america.

MOVE ON!--part 2 Main Page

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