From Asaction
Real Name | Josh |
Registration Date | November 6, 2004 |
Rank | SwimIcon |
Regulars | Action Discussion, Other Anime |
Contents |
A God Among Gods
Believe it or not, Matrix has had his name as an AIM screenname since 2000. He is an obsessive fan of the Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye pairing.
Also, he's a closet pervert that likes downloading doujinshi for free. And he's a cheap-ass internet pirate.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: He coined "bherm." That's right HE did. His most recent word coinage was Dewey's "Loli Squad of Death." And he met Seiji Mizushima, the director of FMA, and Vic Mignogna a.k.a. Ed Elric. And he's king of the Motivational Posters thread. And best of all, he's married to mgangel1124, who pwns all other women.
matrixman124 has created several alts on the ASMBs which he infrequently uses:
- Serim_Spikey (main alt)
- DonKanonji
- Robo-Archer
- Legato_Revived
- A Death Note alt whose identity I won't be disclosing until AS gets Death Note
Honorable Mentions
>__> <__<
matrixman124 <<< rubber duckie
matrixman124 > a well cut slice of ham
matrixman124 > matrixman124 evil twin, evilmatrixman124
mgangel1124 >>>>>>>>>>> matrixman124
"Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now." ~ T-Shirt That's how I got that fricking info box. BWAHAHAHA!
Guest Book
Say hi or something.
- *has my way with you* --mgangel1124
- this dawg is rollin'... on something. but whatever it is, it's made of win. and so is he. - KL