
From Asaction

Revision as of 00:29, 13 September 2007 by Cille (Talk | contribs)
Real Name Anonymous. <_<... What?
Registration Date June 29, 2006
Rank SwimSuperStar
Regulars Action Discussion & Incoherent Babbling



J's Daily life on the boards.


as you can see, it's a War zone. Which Explains why he calls people like WINBACK, the enemy.

What J-Dubb Is all about

J-Dubb is a user of the ASMB who usually goes everywhere on the boards. But mainly he resides in in the Action Part of the boards. J-Dubb has a tendicy to reverse flames made against him and send them back to the flaming user and HE IS A REGULAR AT IT. He laughs his ass off whenever he does this so he has fun doing so. He Hates inuyasha and has a tendicy to call InuYasha, EmoYasha. Which in turn pisses off the RIFs. J-Dubb Is currently a SwimSuperStar and hopes to reach the Order of The Owl rank and Acheive total respect. Whichever goal he achieves first doesn't really matter to him for he just wants to get both done. He also has another side to him which he calls "gangsta mode" which makes him act like the black person he is. He unlocked it on 6-10-07, a few days after forming the SPI. This Gangsta mode allows him to talk like a black person. Even though he is black, He normally doesn't act it. He already watches BET and listens to hip hop and R&B music. Every now and again he would listen to some anime music and some J-Pop on AOL radio. But he keeps this a secret in real life because he don't wanna have to beat sombody's ass for callin him a nerd. Although he does his share of spamming, he doesn't realize he's doing it until he starts having fun doing so. Lately he's been copying from those Vitamin water commercials and saying "TRY IT" just to annoy champloo713 and capp_90 knowing that they hate that commercial.

The Pyramid of indifference

J-Dubb has started to become known on the boards but had always admired the Sword of Indifference. When he saw AngryMcBeaver on his "Why Kim Manning?..." thread, He decided to try to create the Sword of Indifference but only managed to create some big ass triangle. KnightStar, an ally of his, Gave that triangle a name and named it the Pyramid of indifference. Ever since then, He went on to bury people in that pyramid and pointing out that they fail. You will see it frequently if you say anything that will make him think that you fail. depending on the failure, he uses either the robot indifferent Sword, the big sword of indifference, or the regular size sword over the Pyramid. He likes to switch up so people will have to expect the unexpected.

the main ingeredient of the Pyramid and many other inventions:



J-Dubb is a former InuYasha fan. The ONLY episodes he ever liked for real were the Band of Seven ones. He watched the series to the very end and what did he get? A terrible, Terrible ending. Ever since then, He has grown to hate, despise and detest the show and strives for it to be taken off the air. He has gone so far as to call InuYasha, EmoYasha just to show his hatred. He Supports the anti-Inuyasha league and votes to have it taken off of [adult swim]. He has made allies and became an enemy to the RIFs. He also hopes to spread the influence to other InuYasha haters and hope that they join him in calling InuYasha, EmoYasha. Of course that goal died out when he was banned partly for that reason. Although he doesn't entirely hate the show, he would call it Emoyasha from time to time for a little comic relief.


6-6-07 was the date when J-Dubb was finally banned for the first time for mass flaming. Luckily the ban is only temporary. On that day, He made two threads: "Flavor of Love girls charm School" and "Is WWE real or fake?". In both threads that he created, he was massively flamed and no one showed any mercy. He filed many reports and there weren't any results. No mod came in to help him. So he decided to play Justice, and flamed each and every one of those flamers back in both threads. As a result, he was banned for 13 days, a very unlucky number. But he has created an alias. However only a select few of people mainly his allies, know his alias. Ever since then, He has grown a hatred for the Mods and hopes to bring them down.

Someday.... not really.

As for the banning, It said to him "you cannot take the "law"into your hands." J-Dubb was angry and immediately created an alt known only as J_2. Very strange alt indeed. He went to the Mods and demanded why he was banned for that mass flaming. He thought what they told him was bullshit. Especially when Odin told him that he got his warnings on his "profile notes". J said to himself: "man... ain't this a bitch?"


Inspired by the SPK (Special Provision for Kira) from Death Note, J-Dubb, as his alt., Comes up with the SPI (Special Provision against Inuyasha), A special Organization to band together members that want to See the show gone from Adult Swim. He has Presidential Rights. And on top of this, He knows that there are many members just like him that want to have the show removed from AS's line up. He hopes to Make the SPI Expand and hopefully, bring Inuyasha down. The Organization is open to all who desire to get the show dropped, whether they hate it or not. Recently, on June 14, 2007, The first SPI thread was locked by Odin because of spam according to him. J decided to make another SPI. It reached 8 pages only to get deleted the later on. "Ain't this a bitch? Seriously. 2 of my threads locked and deleted the same day? What the Fuck?" Is what he said. He made a fourth SPI thread in hopes that this one will succeed. The Third one lasted 3 pages before it was locked and ended with Odin telling him to give it a rest for now. J thinks that Odin is his enemy after seeing that. He was Pissed and decided to make a Fourth SPI thread nad it only lasted 4 pages and Bast locked it this time. Bast is a bastard as the word bastard's first four letters make his name proving just how much of a bastard he is. So J decided that it would be best if he waits patiently fot his main to return.

J-Dubb's Return

J-Dubb was finally freed from ban prison and gave his "successor" some Time off. During his return He spoke with SPI members and decided to create the 5th SPI thread located in Action Show Suggestions. He hopes the thread will last longer with it located there. But only time will tell how long it will last. Afterwards, the people of rants were not so happy to see him and decided to flame him.he could keep his cool for so long. Even so, he's known for getting mad easily and despises the mods for not allowing him to fight. Even so, durning his return, he's made a total of 9 new threads. 3 in AD, 3 in babbling, 1 in rants, and 2 in OA. He wants to make another successful thread. He still aims to become an Owl someday and he's only 3 ranks away.

The fall of the SPI

J-Dubb's 5th SPi thread was deleted so he decided to place the 6th in OA which called for a deletion as well. The mods gave him an ultimatim. If another SPI thread is made, then it will be deleted and he will be permabanned. So with this warning, he was defeated by the mods and lost to the RIFs. Mods are RIFs he believes. He decided to retire the SPI for good. It might as well die as others thought. So although the SPI has fallen, J-Dubb still stands with the belief and hopes that Inuyasha will finally get the break it deserves. But J's final thoughts about Beezo's warning were: "man... this some ol' bullshit"

But A few days later, he heard that Inuyasha was gonna leave the block In October. J was happy and know it was his win in the end. He decided that he would have a party and Rejoice with his SPI members that stayed with him until the very end when Inuyasha leaves. His thoughts were: "Take that bitches!!! SPI-1, RIFs-0!"

SPI Members (in Joined order)

*J-Dubb- President and Founder of the SPI. (created using his alt.)

  • CAC- Vice prez.
  • KnightStar- Intel. lieutenant
  • Kevmeister
  • GeneralOtaku - a CIF
  • Icouldntmakeupanalis
  • greyshirt
  • Nexcion - the "Near"
  • Tryble
  • CAC_jr- Aka champloo713-Secretary of defense
  • Jingai
  • XXXswimmer
  • rebelchick07
  • bloodygoku21
  • L_Mello_Near
  • Wyotech_Material
  • kung_fubar
  • LordBenne
  • u_been_bleached- Intel. commander
  • soulreaper16
  • Eurekaseven4u - Art designer
  • Luffy17
  • Adament_Cyclone
  • Eurekaseven4ever
  • Fiery_Kitsune-a JIF he got the support of the JIFs on our Side
  • NoProof91
  • MaryMagdelicyoius
  • Princesstomoe001
  • Urban_terrorist
  • capp_90
  • ViciousLovesYou- only a supporter(not actually a member)
  • Nong
  • SunflowerSamurai2 -2nd seat intellegence squad
  • LuvYorkiePionus
  • MonsterTruckPipkin


J-Dubb Has only Created two fanclubs. The Homunculi Fanclub, and the Jushiro Ukitake and Shunsui Kyoraku Fanclub. So far they're not growing so big. They'll be big in due time. But so far things have been going good.

Trip to IB

J-Dubb has decided to take a little field trip to IB because he got bored and had nothing else to do (go figure). He's there to look for a new culture in the ASMB. So far he thinks the people of IB are cool and there's no limit to the amount of threads one makes. He decided that he'll come to IB regularly whenever AD gets boring or to Express his nonsense. Of course his Wiki was vandalized in his absence by some douchebag that tried to drive J away. He was so angry that he wished the peorson who did it died a horrible painful death. but then Knight, lunastar, and a few others who actually cared enough (especially Cid) decided to help calm him down. J was still a little frustrated about the incident but he'll get over in due time.

Aftermath: the IB trip and return to AD

After spending a week in IB, J tells the people of IB tht he had a good time there and he likes the people. He also noted that nobody ever flames for too many threads. The people were happy about his compliments and they made him feel very welcome. He was happy and for the first time he felt very happy and content. After departing IB, J returns to AD only to see that some douche made a pointless hate thread about him. After seeing it, he was pissed. He was angry and hurt that somebody would do this to him. He had no idea what he did to diserve such treatment. He thought that he should leave AD boards behind because he feels unwelcome in AD. After that, Knight, Luna, capp, and a few others convinced him to stay becuase if he leaves, the enemy wins. When Cid heard the news, she went so far as to force him back if he left. It was then when J decided to stay in AD. But of course he wished to not be there as often. To J, AD thinks he's a failure. He then says his usual line from school: "Loved by few, Hated by many." Thats how the boards are. He's trying hard. He's trying so hard to be a better person. To learn the ways of life. That's Why he came to the boards. He was hoping to meet some new people and learn life lessons. But being there, he met good people, friends, and some really stupid, dumb ass, fucking douchebags. As he spends time on the boards, he's starting to realize that it's not worth getting mad over what an insult over the internet. He realizes that they're pathetic little bitches for even taking the time to insult him. He's slowly learning that lesson to Ignore a bastard or a bitch whenever they start acting stupid on him. He's always been told to ignore someone whenever they insult all his life. His grandfather and his mother always told him to remember: " words only hurt you if you let them". He will soon understand that lesson if he is to go out into the world.

J gets board Married! ZOMG! him of all people?!

One day in IB, he met a girl on the boards Known as Kagome-San. and Knowing J, he thought she was a RIF so he felt uneasy at first. After seeing her Myspace and her pictures, and finally talking to her on AIM, they got close and then eventually got married. They fell in love. and now they communicate on a daily basis in IB. He loves her. But Sometimes he wishes if she could change her SN. but nonetheless, he loves her. He love it even more when he found out she was black. The story goes on... But Irony pwns him. LOTS if this happened.

J is sentenced to ban Prison for life

Yup. One day, he decided to write a Bleach fanfic. Turns out it was to much for the mods to handle and permabanned him. But according to others who have read it, they loved it. It was funny and hawt in many ways. They consider that fanfic his best work. From now on, He'll have to go with J_2...

The Divorce, The Soap and the Daughter

J was just divorced in IB.

He was talking in his sleep talking about how good Hinamori sounds when she moans. The wife then demanded a divorce. J was shocked and had no idea about what happened. He wanted to kill himself (Baord wise of course...) and die with honor. But she revealed the truth. that it was out of pity. v_v....

J then dicided not to do that. But he was angry knowing that he was only pitied. At that point, someone would see that as another boring ass soap opera. His Board Daughter was just enoughto cheer him up when she continued addressing him as daddy.

J-Dubb's Return from Ban prison

J was Finally unbanned on August 28, 2007. He was a Changed man. (sort of)

On August 23rd, he rounded up a posse while in Ban prison; A group of guys who were in Jail with him. He was gonna pull a spectacle better than on that show Prison Break. One of the guards (Nu) was in on it too. They got together, and they planned their escape. He took a spoon and dug a little every hour trying to make sure that he don't get caught or buttraped. When the hole was big enough, He had His boy J_2, to light a fuse and blow up the hole. A riot broke out, The Guard released His shackles, and he was Free at last!!! Ahhh... such wonderful sweet smell the outside has. Hikki wanted to hit on him again and he said "I just got FREE man! I'm not about to have my butt grabbed!" He chased him around. And on August 28th, he found his way back here after talking to aliens, time travelers, and espers in the outback. So... Here he is. Free at last. He was welcomed with open arms by friends. And His adversaries were happy to see him again.

Thanks to Nu for Unbanning him.

Crime Record

This is a list of crimes he's committed

  • Spamming (not so much...)
  • Flaming (Vigilante)
  • Sex Fanfics

J's Habits.

The lulz. He's all about the lulz. He's been currently trying to mess with Moon and Falchie. He hasn't used the Indifference stuff in a while but it will return. As for what he like to do, he tends to post YTMNDs for lulz and for any occasions. He also likes to do his own themes. Like the face Palm icon theme and the French theme. Due to the French Theme, Kohikki has started making little passes to him. J sorta knew he had to stop. but For some reason J sees the hole Hikki flirting as some lulz. Also, He likes to talk about Yuri. Board Yuri at that. Wanting to See some Cid x Falch, Moon X Spice and Cille x adaya Yuri someday. It's Hawt. You know it. He may Write a little fanfic about it....


Yea, J Has alts. Many.

The revealed alts

  • Cid_Says_No
  • J_2
  • French_J
  • The_Blue_Flame
  • Drunk_J
  • Anti_Danger-J (He joined the bad guys just so he can see blood. )
  • The_Flame_King

Secret alts... yea he has some secret alts.

2 of his secret alts are permabanned. 6 still remain.....


J has made Many Fanfics despite that one that got him banned. But his sexyones are his best ones. The blog on his ASMB Exclusive MySpace page contains ALL His fanfics ever written on the ASMB and any future ones. Especially the sexy ones. That will prevent him from being banned again.

My fanfics are here. I'll Have more in due time.

J's Favorite Icons

Image:Th2_Carl2.jpg J_2 usual icon. J_2 will be frequently seen with this Icon of Carl, hsi second fav. Chevalier.

Image:Th2_James1.jpg J-Dubb's Main Icon and Favorite Chevalier.

Image:Th2_bscap069.jpg Only because the Fangils like this Icon.

Image:ThTousen-1.jpg This may be BoondockBoy16's icon, But this was J-Dubb's very first Icon.

J-Dubb's Allies

(more to come if he gains any others.)(And if you are a friend and i haven't added you yet, then lemmie know....)

Anime he likes

*Death Note

  • Eureka Seven
  • Bleach
  • Blood+
  • Trinity Blood
  • FullMetal Alchemist
  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Naruto
  • DearS
  • Tehnjo Tenge
  • Ergo Proxy
  • Tokko
  • Noein
  • Hikaru no GO
  • Prince of Tennis
  • Neongenisis Evangelion

(can't think of any more.)

Comedy Shows he like

*The Boondocks- Number one favorite

  • Family Guy- Second Favorite
  • Shin Chan
  • Frisky Dingo
  • ATHF
  • The Simpsons
  • All of Us
  • One on One
  • King Of the Hill
  • The war At Home- every now and then
  • Bobobo-bo bo bobo- comedy anime
  • Wayans Brothers
  • Wild n' Out
  • Human Giant
  • Ninja Warrior- not a comedy but it's funny to me
  • Code Monkeys
  • Hell's Kitchen

(can't think of anymore)

Cid hearts J lyk bunches!

ZOMG!!!!!111!!!! J!!!!!111!! joo es me shippo of my heart and even though you is like no no i dont wanna be shippo its ok cuz i hearts you like tons! and lyk dont let people tell i es such a poet :)

713 add's something

J-dubb.....the name alone reminds me of hentai,why?I dont know,but I do know this,J is one of my favorite AD'ers,why?casue his fan-fics pwn,yeah,they do and you know it,you know?yeah,you know that already,if you didn't,well know you know.Enough about J,this is about me....wait,this is his wikipage,wow,I'm so confused right now,well either way,J-dubb pwns,that's right,I went there...and now im back.

CAC Says Something

hmm, what to say J is cool, and his sexy fanfics were awesome, well i don't got much to say because i'm not good with words but J pwns, and you all know it CAC

GuestBook! (who's happy to see me Unbanned?)

Add some stuff about me.

  • <_< what j00 want Ho pffff lame Yoruichi is my betch...*spanks her* LEAVE US-Shins
  • psh! ju wish you cud beat me to teh yay game! i am teh master of teh yay game! only teh champy can beat me! so psh! btw... pink hippos rule everything! actually my pink hippose cuz its me using them and i pwn all (champy's alt does not lie :P) lolz... hearts ya ;) - ciddeh :)
  • J-Dubb is a pretty swell guy. - Cille

To the mother fucking Bitch who messes up my page behind my back trying to make me look bad


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