
From Asaction

Revision as of 07:25, 9 May 2007 by Tryble (Talk | contribs)

Tryble, a guy who has come to the AS boards from the unspeakable lands of the unknown. Registered July 25, 2006, but only became an active poster roughly in March of 2007. Generally an easygoing guy, Tryble will immediately and with little thought spew total nonsense where and when he deems appropriate(and boy, let me tell you, anything goes with this one) seemingly at random. Occasionally will make meaningful and thoughtful posts, but these are far overshadowed by the nonsensical hobnobbery he typically uses. It is fairly ironic that he often uses appropriate spelling and grammar.

Real Name Nick. Yeah, Nick. Now shush.
Registration Date July 25, 2006
Rank SwimScenester
Regulars Pretty much all forums.
Special Style The Art of Fighting Without Really Fighting



Who is this being, which we refer to as Tryble?

A savior from the stars, prophet from the heavens, a god among the peasants of the earth?

All of these things(or, rather, none of them at all)and more, so very much more...

Let me share with you, my friend, a story.

How ye who is named the Tryble came to be upon this Earth.

Many moons ago, a tribe of people who shall be unnamed throughout this story (I'll refer to them as the Unnamed) traveled to a land of mystery, which shall also be unnamed(The Unnamed land, in other words). The Unnamed lived in the Unnamed land for long a time, farming foodstuffs and raping reaping the land to sustain themselves.

Eventually ye olde Unnamed learned the trade of mining for ye olde ore, and thus became a prosperous mining town. Many of ye good times were had by all. Once, Bob bought a huge, enormous boxing glove and walked around in it, oh ho ho! How silly he looked in his big glove. Ah. But the time of awesome was not to last...

The spirits of the Unnamed land, who shall remain unnamed (I'll call 'em the Unnamed Spirits) became angry with the Unnamed. The Unnamed Spirits were glad to let the Unnamed live on the Unnamed Land, but the Unnamed Spirits became angry that they had the freaking audacity to mine ye precious ores and diamonds and stuff out of the land out of greed. Oh man, were they pissed.

So, they brought a horrible unholy blight upon the land, calling horrible, unspeakable atrocities out of the bowels of the earth, to shred and devour those greedy buttholes. It was pretty bad, let me tell you...blood and guts and organs freaking everywhere.

And thus, the land was cleansed once more. The Spirits and the horrible demons of the apocalypse celebrated by having a party, where many pinatas were broken open and much cake was had by all.

Further Notes.

So yeah, Tryble (me) is a pretty neat dude. I'm sure I answered all questions anyone might possibly have about me, so don't bother to bug me. Seriously. I will cut you.

  • Tryble will never, ever make a new topic. And there's nothing you can do about it. This is the only exception.
  • As his signature states, Tryble actually is, in reality, a knife.
  • Like most people, Tryble touches himself at night. Get over it.


A section for others to comment here on muh page. Go crazy with it.

  • A dude named "Nick"? Chainsaws and pinatas? UNLIMITED POWAAAH!!!


  • you have a comments section? COOL! i *hearts* you tryble and youre randomness! - cid :)

See also

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