From Asaction

Revision as of 21:28, 3 May 2007 by Mgangel (Talk | contribs)

This person is neither a regular nor known for being anything besides a pain in the rest of the folder's collective asses.

Visitor's Section

(other users can say whatever the hell they want in this section, so have fun with it)

  • High-five for justice! ~Tryble
  • I know you think we should be accepting of everyone new, regardless of what an asswipe he/she is, but I'm sad to say that's not how things work, my "friend." You think we should give a rat's ass about you because you claim you can use proper spelling and grammar? Give me a break. This is the internet; if I judged everyone based on their spelling and grammar, I'd have two friends (and no, you certainly wouldn't be one of them). The fact of the matter is that people are going to recognize (and perhaps ever respect) you on the boards if you can somehow find a way of working around that enormous ego of yours and start actually contributing to the place without belittling everyone. So until you can do that, just shut the **** up and stop talking about how we should be more accepting. Cadillac out!
  • wow! youre already known and youre just a shady cool! umm... i dont know much about you except that i heard youre like all obbssed with grammer and spelling and stuff, but you seem pretty nice to me, i dont hate you, although i dont really know you all that well, HEY! lets be friends! yay! (if you can put up with my bad gramar and spelling and stuff) i dunno you dont seem like an ass to me, but then again who does? -cid
  • "pefect, like me?"...don't go around saying that. Everyone has faults, so no one can be truly perfect. -- SLiK
  • Er...why are the spelling, grammar, and dialect blurbs all in quotes? --Anonymous
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