From Asaction

Revision as of 06:39, 1 May 2007 by WINBACK (Talk | contribs)


A young man showing suttle determination and infinite vigor for his community.

WINBACK, being one of the more recent additions to the Action Discussion board, joining on the morning of April 29th, has established his collective-thinking and justified cynicism several times among his fellow users, never showing bias nor conformism. However, this approach causes others to feel he is not an "anime fan", and can often be labled as a troll, when he is simply attempting to be less scripted than those around him.

Little is known about where he originated from or why he decided to join. Nevertheless, he is quickly gaining ground with his realistic demeaner, proper spelling, and superb (yet lightly altered) grammar, causing him to constantly shine out from the crowds of meaningless posts that congest around him.

Fun Facts

  • constantly reffering to "Women on the Internet" as a myth.
  • is known to be rather timid in a comical sense.
  • is known to dislike the constant use of smilies and online-abbreviations (ex. LOL), and doesn't understand the purpose of "Board Marriages".
  • recently announced that on May 1st he will propose the ultimate remedy to the Adult Swim television network, concerning the Eureka 7 mishap that occured April 29th at 1:24 EST.
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