Witch Hunter Robin

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Revision as of 07:46, 5 December 2006 by Pierrot-le-fou (Talk | contribs)
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Witch Hunter Robin is one of the darker animes that [AS] has shown though this one wasn't really given the justice it deserved.


The plot is rather simple on the surface, trained witches are set out to capture rouge witches whose powers are out of control. The STN-J is the Japan branch of witch hunters, the rogue witches they hunt are sent to "The Factory", the STN-J believes this is a humane way of dealing with the rogue witches.

Members of the STN-J

Chief Kosaka - is the head boss for of the STN-J, he is a bald and often nervous man. He fears disappointing Zaizen who runs "The Factory"

Amon- a rather quiet person with a dark attitude, he doesn't say anymore than has to be said and he takes his job as a witch hunter seriously. Amon himself is not a witch but a seed. Amon uses an orbo gun and is an incredible shot.

Robin- Robin is a pyro witch, she was raised in a convent in Italy and was sent to the STN-J as a replacement. Robin refuses to use orbo and relies on her natural power during missions.

Sakaki- was the "newbie" before Robin came, he mostly just hangs out around the office playing video games and goofying but he can be serious when he has to be. When out on a mission Sakaki carries an orbo gun but isn't great at using it.

Doujima- a shopaholic who got pushed into the job by having family connections. She is rarely on time and spends most of the day reading fashion magazines.

Karasuma- a very sofhisticated looking woman, she is able to pick up strong feelings of sad and happiness from people and objects, she also carries an orbo gun.

Michael- the team's computer wiz, he spends his time keeping track of missions and case files on his computer.


Seed-a person who has not yet awakened to their powers

Orbo- a green liquid that slows down the brain waves of of a rogue witch so they can be captured.

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