
From Asaction

Real Name spring
Registration Date June 19,2006
Rank SwimStar
Regulars Action Discussion

WHOO! norman rocks my socks!


Cid's Origins!

does anyone else think origins sounds a lot like oranges? hahah cid's oranges! yumm...

Cid's Goals

i have goals? oh i guess i do! COOL! here are me goals (really lame ones too but i *hearts* them:)

  • Make a fanclub. (check)
  • Make and elimination thread. (check)
  • Make a board that goes past 9 pages. (check)
  • Write a really bad fanfic. (check)
  • Reach Owl.
  • Collect pictures of every character from Blood+.
  • and think of more goals!

Cid's Magical wording!

cid likes using words, special words, she prolly made up some, i dunno, does it matter? shes not claiming any, but if she did the YAY! ok so yeah here is her list of special words!

meangy - "meanie" the extra g makes them sound more mean! GRRR

ATTACKLE!!!! - must be written and said with lots of loudness! its a combination of attack and tackle.

fanspasm - its like fangasm but like more intense.

fancoma - this is above fanspasm, its like you love something so much you go into a coma.

fancombust - ZOMG!! so like awesome that you spontaneously combust!

like totally - it must be said together! usually used randomly in her sentences! sometimes ZOMG or OMG is before it..

YAY - its when im happy i add lots of it... or when im super excited its like YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!!!!

WRRR - its teh secret language of the penguins! she actually says this in real life, she communicates with her penguins and just randomly says WRRRRRRRRRRR from tiem to time, its fun!

KI - the secret language of the kiwis, its fun to communicate with the kiwis!

MONGEESE!!!!!!!!! - cid says this whenever she says a mongoose, cuz she thinks that mongeese is plural for mongoose. (she also thought that mongoos was a snake, really)

THE PENGUINS THEY WILL DECORATE THE HOUSE!!! - lol, she said that one time watching the commercial, its fun to say during christmas.

and thats all i can think of, lol, im bored me page needs to be like more fun and stuff, cuz i say so!

Cid's Likes and lack of dislikes

  • Hagi,
  • Koga&Kagome,
  • Susaku,
  • Jakotsu,
  • Bankotsu,
  • Jankotsu&Bankotsu together,
  • Ray&Charles,
  • Eureka Seven,
  • sCRYed and thier wacky cows! GO COWS!,
  • likes saying the word like, (and totally, often together)
  • This song she is currently listening to "niji",
  • did cid mention she really really loves eureka seven? cuz she totally does!,
  • Big O,
  • Norman (hey cant go wrong with a gunslinging eye patched wearing butler),
  • 70s and 80s horror movies,
  • penguins and kiwis,
  • Gir,
  • Mr. T.,
  • photography,
  • vintage stuff,
  • Scrubs,
  • Metal! (like judas priest and MDB, not that MTV stuff),
  • solomon! *drools*
  • chad from bleach.
  • ishida from bleach. (but mostly when ishida is acting like teh prick cuz i likes them taht way!)
  • and prolly more she is forgetting.

Cid Fangirls

  • CAC.
  • Knight.
  • capp_90.
  • J_Dubb.
  • Gaynor.
  • Tryble.
  • RPD.
  • Ken.
  • LA.
  • Ken.
  • No Proof.
  • Kohikki.
  • Shinso.
  • Mary or MM.
  • Gikongan_2
  • e74u
  • champloo
  • boxers.
  • ghostrek.
  • simpleanime.
  • falcheh.
  • Top_Gun.

and im really really sorry i have a bad memory so i know there is more too add. its stil in progress!

Cid's Anime Twin

that would be NoProof him and i are anime twins cuz we like we have teh same anime watching history! LYK TOTALEH!! seriously we've both seen and not seen the same shows, not only that but we both have been watching anime for about a year now and like been watching AS comedy for like ever since the beggining, so like its fun yay!

ANIME WONDER TWIN POWERS COMBINED! *shape of kagome and her brother* (cuz cid cant think of any other sister and brother combo in anime)

Cid and her funtastic facts about herself

(that prolly no one will read)

cid's memory is aweful, and so is her speling and grammar and stuff. hard to belive i graduated from high school and made it through 4 years of college with still a few more to go!

cid is named after her cat, cid, who is kind of an and whenever i go to pet him he like tries to scratch me cuz he thinks im playing with him, he also likes playing the nitendo DS, i guess that explains why he's so smart? i dunno.

Cid collects penguins, currently she has like over 60 of them.

cid, no longer uses the winking gidget icon ever since new icons came in, she is currently looking for a more perm. one, for now she likes the theEND&anemone one, where anemone is all sad..

cid also decided that her quotes have to match her icon, the have to! i say so! (lol)

Cid's first series she got into was PA after taht was BigO, and then everything else.

Cid is mostly found in Trunk's Thread but you can prolly find her other places too, sometimes she likes visiting the .com section. (oh yeah, she also spends more of her time in gaynor's New Blood+ Discussion and Fanclub.. gaynor needs a shorter title)

cid held her first elimination thread: The Eureka Seven Couples. the winner was: Renton&Eureka and the runner ups were: Dominic&Anemone, she plans on doing another one shortly, maybe next month.

cid started the "Name that Anime Quote" its fun! you should come by, lots of quotetastic fun!

she also tried to start the AD Jargon Q&A to help the newbies and people who dont understand some lingo, its like lost somewhere but she plans on resurrecting it and adding new words. *shes just lazy*

cid doesnt have many funtastic facts, whats there to know? (she's boring.. lol)

Cid's outside of ASMB life!

cid needs to redo her outside of ASMB life section um.. what can she put?

oh she was like born and raised in california and like has never lived anywhere else, but she isnt like teh chicks from laguna beach so please dont think she is cuz she will go all kitteh krazeh on you if you do!

she is like old, um.. not really but shes older then she acts prolly, she is like 22 years old and um.. yeah she like goes to college and stuff and like photography but doesnt want it as a job.

also you should know some things about cid in real life:

  • she NEVER EVER EVER had a job in her life and doesnt really plan on getting one.
  • she has limited internet, meaning she gets teh free stuff and only has like 20 hours a month but wastes it all in like one week, but hopefully tomorrow she will get unlimited internet (also its dial up but its ok.)
  • she doesnt like being the first person to IM someone, its not that she doesnt want to talk to anyone, and actually often does, she feels wierd IM people first cuz its like she is bothering them, so she figures if they wanna talk to her they can IM her.
  • zomg? what else? oh yeah her voice is wierd although everyone says its cute, she sounds like a little girl sort of or not i dunoo.
  • cid is lyk REALLY REALLY REALLY shy in RL she like hardly talks to anyone but her boyfriend and when she does talk its like all softspoken and overly polite.
  • cid talks in 3rd and 1st person often in the same sentence its kind of fun really :)

thats all cid can think of if you wanna know more lyk ask me also i gots like IM things and its:

  • AIM: springy pingy
  • MSN:

you can add me if you wanna i dont care.

Cid needs closure

she really does, i dont know why though. anyways, if you wanna you can leave comments on me page, sorry i dont have a fancy section like WINBACK does for comments but you can always add them here if you wanna, if not thats fine. HAPPY ADwiki READING!

  • "Always so lively." - WINBACK
  • cid's oranges....awwwww, you're so cute. Also, you make an awesome Gidget. - Q_chan
  • Cid's one crazy cat. and by crazy, i mean pretty schweet. -KL
  • Cid is awesome because she's super enthusiastic, Cid is probably one of the most sincere and nice people on the boards. - Kohikki
  • cid is liek the cutest little fangirl evar. - Cille
  • LIKEZ ZOMG....TREZ Coolz...she tackles JOO LIKE HARD....BWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA O_O O_0 (^^)-MaryMagdelcyoius (aka Shins?) O_O
  • cid is liek the bests twinzy eva shes liek awesome and she is the nicest person ive ever met on the boards - NoProof your anime twinz

A Few Words from His Holiness, Capp_90

Cid is my queen, my life partner, my backseat bitch. I don't know what I'd do with out her. Probably go gay....AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!..............*goes in corner* Me and her, we're gonna get married and have 50 children. Yes, 50, exactly 50. I will tear her up!! But I will serenade her too, with words such as "Get out of my house, please", "I want to rape you, please", and "CAC's gay. I'm straight. You and I should make a baby." 'Cause that's how Capp rolls.

CAC addes stuff because i can

well cid is just fun, and she allways makes me laugh, YAY!, and she's allways so fun to talk to, now if only she didn't have a boyfriend, sigh

I HEARTS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cid is awesome. She has words of Wisdom. (even though the way she types it similar to Falche's) She has the power to make a madman (like myself) to not be mad anymore. Her pep talks Pwn. Seriously. Hear her and you'll feel like a million bucks.

And She's the only person i ever got hearts from and i give a BIG YAY to that. I hearts YOU TOO!!!

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