Fearsome Fivesome

From Asaction

Revision as of 09:37, 29 April 2007 by JusticeGundam (Talk | contribs)

A year ago, the elite force known as the Fearsome Fivesome ruled the ASMB with an iron fist. Everyone envied their glory, and although they are not as renowned today the legend will forever live on.


The Fearsome Fivesome was a group of 5 AD Regulars so awesome that whatever thread they touched was derailed and sent to Spamsville. They became famous for this, and are still considered to be the best spammers AD has ever had. Okay, that might be kind of an overstatement. But they set the stage for (and in some cases served as mentors to) the next generation of uber-spammers, with whom they have since enjoyed much fruitful spamtastic collaboration. It was first formed by JusticeGundam in late '05, though now they have become disbanded, as some of the members no longer frequent AD as they used to. Though plans to reunite were being discussed, it went no where.

The Fivesome included JusticeGundam, OMNI-Enforcer, spiceweasel228, Blah_canbespanish, and Shadowstaarr.

Currently only spice, OMNI, and Shadow post regularly in AD. The other two decided they were gonna be ghey and weren't gonna post anymore.

Name Dispute

Spice was a real dummy when it came to the name. She didn't like how the name had "fivesome" in it. Since she was the only girl, she thought it was not a good word to use. The group tried to think of a different word, but couldn't. they sticked with the "fivesome" part and moved on.

The Next Generation

After the heydays of the Fearsome Fivesome, there was a period of darkness in AD. Justice, OMNI, Blah and Shadow were gone, and Spice was left to herself. She could not spam all on her own, new members were needed. Over time the next fearsome fivesome was formed. Spice stayed on along with Cille, Moon, SportsMaster and matrixman124. Or at least that is what this author thinks, Spice would know more, so expect that to change. Anywhow I digress. When Shadow and OMNI returned a new era of spam was created. Threads were sent to Spamsville so quick the mods were bound to get carpal tunnel. Everything was running great. Then things died down for a while, the group seemed to be in a creative rut, but as time marches on this fearsome fivesome [sevensome] will surely spam randomly for years to come.


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