From Aryez
Book 15 of the Marfat
15: Oneness
1. God is one, yet infinitely divided for a part
2. of Him resides in everything and every soul;
3. yet God is, by Himself, in His ultimate form as
4. God, indivisible, unable to be separated, the
5. eternal, unconquerable Lord of the Universe.
6. There is only one God, the true God,
7. the one who made the Universe and
8. our souls, the Savior, the ultimate hope,
9. God. There is only one all powerful
10. God and only He should be
11. worshipped as God, not all those other
12. other deities and idols who are but
13. servants of the true one God.
14. Do not let the accursed one, the Devil, the
15. traitor turn your heart away from this truth.
Commentary: This book essentially establishes the concept of the all-encompassing force of which everything is a part of. As a result, everything is interconnected in one entity. The personification of this force is God. God and the force are one and the same. God is the Supreme Being, the source of everything, and is one entity. There is no other source spiritual matter and existence other than the force of existence itself which is God. This book also establishes the fact that other gods and deities may exist, but they exist as local aspects of the force, in essence as the servants of the One and only true God.