
From Aryez

Book 55 of the Marfat

55: Knowledge

1. Knowledge is a most sacred thing,

2. a gift to be cherished above

3. wealth, power, and glory. The man

4. with knowledge is much richer than

5. the wealthy man without knowledge. The

6. man who wallows in ignorance is

7. living in the darkest darkness.

8. Therefore, knowledge is the key

9. to open many doors. Acquire it with a

10. hunger, as one would do when acquiring food

11. or water. Treasure knowledge and

12. respect books. God will punish

13. the book-burners. Instead cultivate and

14. build up knowledge, read widely and

15. write many books. Many seeking a

16. purpose ask: “What is the purpose of

17. religion?” The answer is that religion

18. is a set of absolute goals to

19. strive towards. Without religion, there

20. would be no standard of perfection and

21. righteousness. God is merciful and

22. understanding of those who fall short

23. of perfect religious practice, but rewards

24. good people who try to live good lives. Very few indeed

25. can follow religion perfectly, even those with good intentions.

Commentary: This book declares the ultimate glory and importance of knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge. The book concludes with the statement that it is impossible to follow any religion perfectly to the exact word, and that the purpose of religion is to set a high goal to strive towards. As a result, people must be patient with those who are struggling to live a righteous life.

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