Thoughts on Society

From Aryez

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Book of the Aryama

Thoughts on Society

I condemn the hypocrisies of society. Everyone people say one thing and do another thing, thinking by saying things that will sound pleasing, the world will ignore their not so pleasing actions. But they cannot deceive the Lord. People place too much value in empty rituals. Why does it matter what food you eat? Are certain foods holy and certain foods unholy when God made all animals equal? What makes a plant better or less alive than an animal for they are but two different pathways life took and no pathway of life is superior to another pathway. All paths are equally beautiful, equal in shouting out to the world: "we are living proof of God's glory!" It is best to remember that what you put into you or do not put into you do not affect you; they do not make you holy or unholy. Rather it is what comes out from you, from the depths of your heart and soul that make you holy or unholy. Such things were said by Jesus over two thousand years ago. Which brings us to the point that wisdom, no matter how old it is, is still priceless and timeless. What was said two thousand years ago has as much relevance today as what was said two years ago? It would be foolish to discount ancient pearls just because they are old. They have not lost their value yet. Granted, there are many instructions and commands from the past that are irrelevant and unnecessary in the world. But it is important to make the distinction between timeless truths and temporary truths. That is why God continues to inspire people so they there will continually be a series of wise people to guide humankind along with the changing times. Many people pray for hours believing it will get them to paradise or endear them to God or assist them in gaining wisdom, but such people who pray for hours but then do nothing are but muttering empty ritual. Prayer without good action is worthless. So I tell you, it is better to pray for only five minutes and spend the rest of the time in which you would have prayed doing good deeds and actions. Without meditation, one cannot calm the mind and reach their soul, but too much meditation is akin to cowardice, fear to perform any action. Nor can all the prayer in the world do you any good if you neglect your life's duties, your job, your family, or your friends. Then ironically in your search to serve God you end up serving the Devil. Be careful of falling into the trap of hypocrisies which is the easiest way for the Devil to lure good people into evil. For example a woman who sleeps with a lot of men is considered a slut and whore in society and is condemned but a man who sleeps with a lot of woman is known as a pimp and is praised. See how hypocritical society is? If you believe men and women are equal why set different standards for them? Should they not have the same moral obligations? I tell you that no man or woman should be sleeping around but if they do at least condemn them equally or do not praise one while despising the other. God's patience is running out with the hypocrisies of society. He tried so hard to teach people to do the right things and even provided a way out of sin but people are deaf and foolish. God is the most merciful and forgiving being in the entirety of existence but one day He will destroy those who refuse to His wisdom even after ten-thousand years of revelations and instructions. Those who have never learned after so many years of wisdom are probably not going to learn anything at all, but those who are good and kind will learn even if they did not previously learn due to various circumstances. But God is forgiving and does everything for a greater, better purpose. So those who hear me, leave your hypocrite ways and become something and someone better and more honest. First be honest with yourself and then you can be honest with society. And the best way to be honest with yourself is by being honest to God. Open the door to your heart and God will enter and clean the evil from you. So Praise God!

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